Page 98 of House Rules



"She lost a lot of blood,but the transfusion went well and there was no harm done to her uterus. She's lucky her friends brought her in when they did. Otherwise, she could've bled to death." A soft voice continues speaking, hushed conversation mixed with machinery beeping.

Where in the hell am I?

In an instant, everything comes rushing back.

The pain.

The blood.

The darkness.

My baby!

I try to wake up but my eyes are glued shut. I will them to open but nothing happens. I try to move my arms, my legs, but nothing works.

The darkness calls me again and as much as I want to fight it, it's so tempting... so peaceful...

I slip under again, letting its warmth take hold.

* * *

"Emma? Emma, you in there?"A deep voice rumbles in my ear.

That voice... I know that voice...

"Emma, baby, please wake up. Show me you're okay."

I will my eyes to open, to match the voice with a face.

My hand tingles, a familiar buzz rushing up my arm.

"Emma, baby, let me see those gorgeous brown eyes. Come on, baby."

My eyes open to slits, a sliver of light peeking through.

"There you go, baby. Come on, wake up."

I push them all the way open and a face hovers above me, blurry yet there, a familiar shape I've come to love.

I blink a few times and the person comes into focus. Knox... it really is him.

A rush of relief flows through me. I can't explain it but I'm beyond relieved to see Knox hovering above me.

He brushes my hair away from my face. "You feeling okay?"

I shake my head, my throat dry and parched. "Water?" I croak.

I can't move much of my body; I'm weak and exhausted.

Knox brings a cup of water with a straw to my lips and I swallow big gulps, the cold water rushing down my throat.

"I'm so sorry, Em." Knox says as he places my water down next to me. "I had no idea..." Knox shakes his head as he rubs his jaw. His eyes are dim, the light from them gone. His body posture is slumped, his clothes wrinkly and his hair messy.

"I rushed here from Arizona, as soon as Sarah called me. I'm sorry to hear about Connie and now this." He grabs my hand, bringing it to his lips. He presses his warm mouth to the back of my hand as his eyes search mine.