Page 99 of House Rules

"I'm such an idiot, Em. I never should've treated you the way I did. I should've talked to you, worked shit through like a normal adult. Instead, I was selfish and scared. I'm sorry."

Knox grips my hand with both of his as he hangs his head low. I feel wetness splash the back of my hands. Oh Knox...

My heart melts at the sight and I take my other hand and run it through his unruly hair. His locks are soft and smooth.

I don't know how he knows, or who called him, or how he even got here.

But, I don't care. All that matters is he's here with me.

"And, now a baby... our baby..." His voice breaks and my heart clenches.

The baby's gone. I knew it the moment I saw the blood.

But it never hit me.

Until now.

My hands shake and black spots float before my eyes.

Tears pool in my eyes and my breath hitches.

The grief consumes me, holding me in its grip.

First Knox, then Connie, now this.

It's all too much. Too much to handle, too much to process.

Knox sits up and climbs next to me in the bed, squishing into my side. He wraps his arms around me, his heat enveloping me.

We both sob quietly as we mourn the loss we weren't expecting.

* * *

I'm releasedfrom the hospital a couple of days later. Knox had to fly back to Arizona to be with Ethan.

Another blow to my gut; learning his brother overdosed and is still in a coma. My heart aches for him and his family.

Knox and I haven't spoken about anything, both of us too caught up in our own grief.

Sarah and Abbie bring me home from the hospital where my mother waits. Apparently, Melissa has better things to do while my father has completely checked out. Sarah told me she heard my mother telling Melissa he's threatened to leave. Honestly, I wonder what took him so long.

My relationship was never great with my dad, him being a quiet, shy man. But he supported us and never complained, and to that, I've always made sure to check in on him once in a while.

Dread fills me as we get closer to my house. Sarah mentioned how awful she'd been towards the doctors while I'd been sedated. Once Knox arrived, she didn't show her face again.

"Will you guys stay with me until she's gone?" I ask, as I ring my hands together. My leg jiggles as we pull into my driveway.

"Of course, Em. Where's her car?" Sarah parks the car, killing the engine.

"I have no clue." I unbuckle but don't move.

"Looks like the coast is clear." Abbie swings her door open, grabbing my bag as she hops out.

"You never know with her." I run my hands through my hair as I stall for time. I don't want to see her right now, her judgmental looks, her stupid opinions. I need time to deal and process.

"I'll go check." Abbie takes the keys from Sarah and makes her way up to the door before disappearing inside.

"If you didn't want her over, you should've told me." Sarah turns to face me. Her mouth slips into a frown as her eyes study my face.