Page 75 of House Rules

Hit her? Sharon is saying Knox hit her? I find that hard to believe. Knox doesn't have a violent bone in his body. Not that I know of anyway.There're layers to people we don't always see...

I got Knox into this situation and I will help him out of it, whether he's guilty or not.

"Of course I can. Give meabout twenty minutes?"

"Thank you, thank you. I'm sorryto call you but I had no other choice."

"I know. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be in this mess."

"Don't blame yourself.It was that brother-sister psycho tag team. Man, in all the time Knox was with Sharon, I never had a clue she had a brother. I don't think he did either."

"Yeah, that makes three of us. Max never mentioned a sister himself."

Jane whistles low. "What a fucked up situation."

"You're telling me. I'll see you soon."

We hang up and Sarah tiptoes in.

She carries two mugs of coffee, offering one to me.The steam rises and I take a sip as I close my eyes.

Mmmm, she always did make a perfect cup of coffee.

"Do you mind driving me down to the police station?" I sip my coffee, the hot liquid warming my insides.

"Of course, what's going on?"

"Apparently, the police need a statement from me to back up Knox's statement. Otherwise, they want to hold him until he's due in court."

"What? Whyin the hell would they do that?He can't get out on bail?"

I shrug. "I guess Sharon and Max have a pretty convincing story going on. One that'scompletely different."

"Shocker. I always knew Max was evil. I'm not surprised he has an evil sister too. It's crazy how Knox went out with her."

"No shit.I'm still trying tomake sense ofit all."

Last night, I filled Sarah inon what went down. We both got teary as we talked about what could've happened if Knox hadn't been there.

"So, are you going to back him up?What's their story?"

"Sharon is claimingKnox hit her."

"You're fucking joking, right?"

"I wish I were."

"You don't think he did, do you?" Sarah whispers.

"No, I don't. But people can be surprising sometimes."

"You can say that again."

"Besides, I owe him one. I feel like it's my fault he's in there."

"Em, it's not your fault. Shit happens. He saved youfrom that creep."

"You're right. Let's go bust him out." I climb out of bedas Sarah scampers around for clothes.