Page 76 of House Rules

Here's hoping today is a better day than yesterday.

* * *

Thirty minutes later,we pull into the police station. I jiggle both legs as the butterflies have a dance party in my belly.

"It'll be okay,Em. Deep breaths."

Sarah slides into a spot near the door and kills the engine.

"Ready?" She asks as she double checks her face in the mirror.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

We walk up the sidewalk to the main door. A young woman pacesin front of the building as her fingers flyacross her phone.

"Shit!" She mutters as she throws down a lit cigarette and smashes it with her toe.

Sarah grabs the door and the woman rushes inside while tossing usa small smile. Once inside, we head straight to the main check in area.

"Can I help you miss?"

"Hi. I'm here to give a statement regarding Knox Rothwell." I rub my hands togetherand glance at Sarah.She nods her head and rubs my shoulder.

"Emma? Is that you?" The same woman from outside appears beside Sarah. I scan her face, noting it looks familiar. "I'm Jane. Nice to meet you."She pulls me in for a hug and my nose fills with a mixture of lavender andcigarette smoke.

I hug her back before I pull away. It's awkward and I'm not sure what to say.

"Miss?" The guy behind the desk raps his fingers on the hard wood.

"I'll take her to the room."Janeinterrupts. She gives me a warm smile and the tension eases.Sarahand I follow her to a room in the back where an officer sits.

He stands when we enter the room. "Morning, ladies. Coffee or water anyone?"He points to a back table where we can help ourselves.

I pour a cup of waterand sit at the table.

"Emma, let's begin." The officer gesture to me. "I'll be asking a few questions. Some may be hard toanswer. Are you okay with Jane and your friend to be in the room?"

I nod my head and clasp my hands together. A bead of sweat trickles down my back.

"Can you tell me what happened, in your words?"

I rehash the events to the best of my memory. Sarah squeezes my hand several times. I choke out the lastpart as the tears threaten to spill over.

The officer hands me a tissue and I dab my tears, swallowing down the rest.

"At any point, did you see Knox hit Sharon?"

I shake my head. "No, I didn't.He was trying to save me. Max was trying to kidnap me and Knox got him away from me."

The officer nods his head as he jots down notes. "He only punched Max to your knowledge?"

"Yes. Max is... well, he's quite disturbed. Check the records. I've had restraining ordersagainsthim in the past."

"That's true officer. Check back about six years ago. Max and Emma have history." Sarah juts in.

"And, Knox has hadrestraining orders against Sharon. None of us knew they were brother and sister until yesterday. Hell, none of us even knew the other had a sibling. Those two arenut jobs." Jane crosses her arms. Her bottomlip sticks out and her eyes burn holes into the officer.

"Ok, ok.I'll make sureall of this history is checked out. I don't have any further questions at this time. I'm going to call the bondsman to come down and we canrelease Knox." He stands and shuffles his papers. "I'll be back. Sit tight ladies."