Page 46 of House Rules

Our kiss becomes more intense as the heat steadily rises between us.

The taxi horn sounds and we both jump back as if we're two teenagers caught by our parents.

My eyes rest on her swollen lips, the lips I want to taste again.

Leaning in, I brush my lips against her cheek, inhaling her scent as my eyes drift closed, branding her to my memory. There's a pull between us, something strong and deep, and now that I've had a taste, I'll never be the same again.

Pulling back, I cup her cheek with my hand, running my thumb across her mouth.

"Goodnight." I whisper. I brush my mouth along her cheek once again before I turn away. When I reach the taxi, I look back to see she hasn't moved. As she watches me, a small smile plays on her lips.

Fuck. I'm in trouble.

* * *

Hot water pounds my head,the heat leaving my skin red and warm. I will my headache to go away, the one I woke up with that's been pounding through my head all morning. Two cups of coffee and two ibuprofens later and I'm still in pain.

Last night was worth it though. I'd do it all over again to have another night with her.

I can't get her out of my fucking mind. When I arrived home last night, I never thought I'd get rid of the blue balls she left me with. After I relieved myself, I lay in my bed, Emma's face never leaving my mind.

My head is a jumbled mess. Emma has my brain and my heart yelling at each other, both in a duel with their stubborn selves.

A part of me wants to try, to give Emma a chance. But the other part of me still screams no over and over again. Sharon destroyed my life. And, I can't, no, I won't, let love destroy me again.

Emma isn't the wisest choice with her crazy family, but no one picks their family. You get what you get. I shouldn't hold it against her. But, I need something to hold on to, something that'll help me resist her.

Speaking of family, my sister has sent me several text messages, demanding to know the outcome of last night. My mother sent me a text about Ethan and wanting to visit him again before his court date. She's hoping I'll join her.

I lather myself with soap as I think. I'll never be able to commit to Emma in the way she deserves. She doesn't deserve damaged goods. And, that's what I am. That's all I'll ever be. Sharon paraded her way through my life. Nothing's ever been the same.

I need to be stronger. I need to resist her.


Tonight's the night.

Another date with Knox.

I should stay home. I should avoid him at all costs.

Instead, I've fought the voice in my head all week. I've pushed it away, deep down into the corner of my mind.

I've avoided the endless calls and messages from my mother and sister. Their demands and their questions push me farther away, even when they send my favorite chocolate chip cannoli from Tony's in the north end of the city.

I ate those damned cannoli and I loved every morsel.

They didn't sway me. I still said yes to Knox. He had to ask me twice and I avoided him all week, but in the end, I decided it's time to have some fun and think about myself for a change.

I was surprised when Knox asked me. We’d tip toed around each other until we found each other alone in the break room on Wednesday night.

He cornered me, his handsome face inches from mine. His hand touched my cheek and I leaned in, unable to help myself. Knox spoke to me in a soft whisper, his breath tickling my face. He said he couldn't get me out of his head, the need only got stronger. I studied his sexy jawline before blurting out a no. I hurried away like a fool. I knew if I stayed any longer, he'd have me agreeing to anything.

All day Thursday, in between patients, my thoughts drifted back to him. The most nagging question in my head is if he's only out to get one thing. He'll have his way with me and then leave me in the dust.

The rules he breaks are the ones my mother warned me most about. We work together, we have instant chemistry, and I definitely see us having sex before five dates. Those are the riskiest of the rules according to my mother. Hence why they made the top three.

A man like Knox could wreck me. Leave me with my heart ripped open, ruined for every other man. I've never been with a man who can weaken my knees with one kiss.