Page 47 of House Rules

The connection we have is unmatched; our chemistry is off the charts. Sex with him would be my fatal mistake. I'm certain.

I'm not the type of girl to have one night stands. Sex is an emotional connection to me and while I've certainly had dirty, hot sex—it's always been inside a relationship. I can't have sex with someone without getting emotionally attached.

Or, maybe it's because I've always followed the rules. I've never actually tried having a one-night stand. But with the way I always got attached once sex was involved, I never thought much about it.

Knox brings up these thoughts and emotions I've had buried. I'm left puzzled, trying to wade through it all.

So, when Knox asked me again, this time coming in my office to consult on a patient, I made a compromise with myself.

Go on another date, but resist any type of physical contact. I'm not really breaking the rules, then, right? At least not all of them.

Why then, do I feel like a weight is sitting on my chest?

* * *

"Where are we going?"I peer out of the front seat of Knox's big truck. The sun has begun to set, the sky displaying different shades of pinks and oranges.

"It's a surprise." The truck turns down a dirt road. No cars, people, or houses in sight.

"You’d better not be taking me to some torture chamber."

Knox laughs, the sound filling the small space in the truck. "You'll have to see."

"Oh, so you wanted to stuff me with delicious food before you feast on me?"

"Ding, ding, ding. You got it."

I can't help the laughter that escapes.

Our night has been perfect. Knox picked me up and took me to this small hole in the wall Italian restaurant I've never heard of.

One bite of the chicken parmesan and fried eggplant had me moaning and groaning between each mouthful. I'm pretty sure the whole restaurant looked at me funny.

My love for Italian food runs deep and Knox sure does know how to win me over by stuffing me with penne pasta and garlic knots.

Moments later, we pull in front of a huge sprawling ranch home, complete with a wraparound farmer's porch. Holy shit, whose house is this?

The sky isn't quite dark yet, the lowering sun gives just enough light to cast a glow on the house. My eyes sweep over the massive house as I take in the white shingles and cornflower blue vinyl siding.

"You like it?" Knox asks.

I throw him a look, my eyebrows raising in question. "Is this yours?"

Knox shakes his head, his eyes scanning the area. "I wish."

"Then whose is it?"

"It's my grandfather's." Knox moves towards the porch and turns as he gestures towards the house. "Want to see inside?"

I nod. I hurry up the stairs, my curiosity getting the better of me. I'm also a secret house lover. Meaning I binge on HGTV sometimes. I can't help it.

We move through the rooms as Knox explains the history of the house.

"My grandfather built this house with his own two hands. He died before he was able to finish it. My mom's an only child, as was her dad. Her mother died when she was a teenager but her mother knew this house was for her. A labor of love from my grandfather to my grandmother. There's no family left now. So, here it sits. But, one day, it'll be mine."

I listen to his story as I picture the house finished and decorated. He looks around with so much love.

Underneath the insane chemistry and dorky sense of humor lies a good man with a big heart.