Page 44 of Diesel

But not here.

And especially not when I come face-to-face with my brother, who looks as if he wantsto murdersomeone.

That someone being Luca.

* * *

“Issomething going on between you two?” AJ demands after pulling me away from Luca. We’re standing in a staircase, and AJ looks down at melike he doesn’t believe a damn word I’m saying.

“No. Nothing more than the usual marketing plans and campaigns.”

“He touched yourass, Neveah. Something is clearly going on.”

I balk like I can’t believe he would say that to me, much less believe that Luca actually did it. “No, he didn’t. He was reaching behind me. His hand may have grazed my back, but he did not touch my ass, AJ. What the hell?”

“Whatever, Neveah. I saw it with myowntwo eyes. You’ve been weird lately, and even Mom and Dad agree. What’s up with you?”

“So you’re all getting together and talking about me? Nice, AJ, real nice. I’m not being weird. I’m fucking busy!”

“Busy?” AJ explodes. “We’re all busy.” He throws his hands up in the air and blows out an exasperated breath. “You’ve never missed this many family dinners or been this busy you don’t have time for your family, Neveah. Something’s up, so you might as well spill it.”

“Nothing is going on, AJ. And to be honest, it’s pretty fucked up for you to be questioning me when I’m busting my ass to make sure our family business stays afloat.That’swhat keeps me so busy. I gotta go.” I turn and march up the stairs, ignoring his calls to comeback and talk. I don’t stop walking until I find Mel waiting for me in our usual meeting spot.

“Whoa, who pissed you off?” she asks as soon as I’m next to her.

“It’s nothing. Men are just fucking dumb. I need a drink.”

“Well,you’re in luck,” Mel says as she hands me a frozen margarita. I didn’t even notice the two glasses sitting on the table in front of her because my anger has put me in such a fog.

“Ahh,you’reheaven sent.” I gulp down the margarita, not caring if my teeth and brain freeze from the iciness.

“Damn girl, slow down. It’s not going anywhere. Vent to me already, get it off your chest.” Mel sips her drink, watching me over the rim.

“Men are just annoying.” I scowl. “All of them.”

“Tell me about it. I live itevery day.” Mel grins and holds her glass up to mine. We cheer and drink.

“Luca just had to squeeze my ass when I went down to the pits to see him, and who walks in just in time? Yeah, my fucking brother.”

Mel’s mouth drops open, and a small giggle escapes. “Are you fucking kidding me? Of course, he just had to walk in right then.”

“I know, right?” I gulp down more of my drink, already wanting another. These are damn good, especially in the heat. “And Luca has never done that. We usually keep it strictly professional, but today he was looking at me like he wanted to eat me. I can’t even dress in a tank and shorts without him tripping over his damn feet.”

Mel laughs. “Because you’re fucking smoking hot, girl. And don’t you usually fool around before a race? Maybe he’s just horny.”

“There’s no private spot here to get iton, and besides, he got laid this morning. And not just once. No. He got laidtwice.”

“Damn, Nev. Did you put him under a love spell?”

“Bite your tongue. We don’t use the wordlovearound here.” I give her a dirty look, and she laughs more.

“So what did AJ have to say?”

“I denied it. Said he must’ve been seeing things because Luca definitely didnottouch my ass. He didn’t believe me and said I’ve been acting weird. Not coming around, skipping family dinners. I blamed it on work keeping me busy.”

“Well, it sort of is work.” Mel grins. “You don’t need your family’s approval; you know this. I doubt AJ will remember later. It’ll be a distant memory.”

“I hope so. The last thing I need is him running his mouth to our dad.”