Page 45 of Diesel

“Oh,the trials and tribulations of falling in love.” Mel sighs as she rests her chin on her hand.

“No one is falling in love. Just enjoying endless, fantastic sex. Complete with orgasms.” I raise my glass.

Mel cheers and raises her glass tomine, and we toss back the last sips of our drinks together. “Fuck yeah, Nev. You get those orgasms!”

We both dissolve into a fit of giggles and order another round. “So what’s up withyou,Mel? Anything new?”

“Nope, I’m pretty boring. Same crazy shit at work, same annoying but sexy husband at home. Oh, except we started trying for a baby.”

I almost spit out my drink. “What? Mel!” I jump up and hug her, both of us dancing and twirling. I know she’s wanted to be a mom for a longtime, and Mitch kept wanting to wait. “That’s soawesome, babe! I’m so happy for you!”

Tears fill her eyes and mine. “Thanks,I’m so excited!”

“This calls for a celebration! Let’s keep the drinks coming, and you can tell me everything.” I grin, my issues forgotten for a bit while I focus on my best friend.

* * *

“You knowwe need to act professionally. We always need to act professionally.” I cross my arms and lean back against Luca’s kitchen island. It’s late, and we’re both exhausted from the day. I almost wenthome,but Luca offered to give me a back massage in his hot tub, and I couldn’t say no to that.

I mean, who would?

Buthere we are, arguing before we even got our damn shoes off.

“The last thing I expected was your brother to see. I couldn’t resist your ass in those shorts.” Lucasmirks,but this time, it annoys me.

I grit my teeth. “You know the deal, Luca. How this whole thing works. You never touched me at work before. We have to be careful.”

Luca runs a hand down his face and snaps, “Don’t you think I know that? It’s not that big of a problem. Why do you always blow shit out of proportion?”

Wow, are you fucking kidding me?“Are you seriously turning shit around on me? I am notoverreacting.” My heart picks upspeed, but this time, it’s not in a good way.

“Couldafooled me. Did your brother even care, really? What’s it matter to him who you share your bed with?”

“It’s not about what my brother thinks. It’s about keeping a professional relationship with each other. The rumor mill would love to spread gossip about us. Canyou even imagine what we would have to deal with?”

“Yeah, yeah, I fucking get it,” Luca growls, and his attitude further infuriates me.

“You’re acting like a fucking child.”

“And you’re acting like a fucking prude.”

“A prude?” I explode. “We were at work!”

Luca opens his mouth to say something but shuts it again and shakes his head instead. “You know, I suddenly feel like being alone tonight.”

I freeze. Wow, thathurts. It cuts deep and makes my stomach turn.Really? He’s really going to be pissed at me for this? I thought he understood.

“Really, Luca?” I ask, sucking my bottom lip between my teethin a desperate attemptto hide the trembling.

“Yeah, really. You can see yourself out. Have a good night, Neveah.” He turns and walks out of the kitchen, leaving me standing there in shock.

Did that really just happen?

Did he really just kick me out?

Why is he even mad? He’s the one who grabbed my ass, he’s the one who made the mistake, and he’s the one who should apologize!

Not me!