Page 8 of Fighting Fire

She swallowed and realized she was holding on to the terry cloth draped around her body in a death grip. She loosened her fingers and released the towel.

Sean lunged forward. “Lana, no,” he cried, his big hand wrapped around the unraveling cloth.

The backs of his knuckles nestled into the valley between her breasts. His touch set off chaos in her chest, sending her heart into a breath-stealing lurch. Her nipples tightened into hard nubs, the wet towel arousing each hot peak.

“Why not?” she whispered back, afraid to ask it any louder.

“So many reasons,” he replied as if in agony. “We work together. We’re friends. It would complicate matters,” he commanded softly.

“I was thinking the same, but if we go the sex thing over with maybe my skin wouldn’t tingle every time see you.”

“Lana,” he groaned.

“I want to touch you.” Lana closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the need to do more than touch him.

“I want you to, but…” he said in a rough, low voice.

She caught her breath. Ignoring thebut, she reached out and touched his damp skin. The moment her fingers made contact, she wanted to press the flat of her palm to all that hard muscle.

With need coiling inside her, she slid her fingertips around his well-defined pectoral muscles.

There was something in his eyes, something that threatened to rip free. She wanted it and was also terrified of it. She knew it because it was exactly what she felt. For one long moment, the battle raged inside her—logic against need. If she moved forward, just a fraction of an inch, she could have something she was yearning for, aching for.

They were caught in each other’s gazes, a scant inch apart. If she moved away, the towel would fall. If he moved away, the towel would fall.Shehad no intention of catching it. Something more powerful than common sense pulled her toward him, heated her blood, drew her eyes to his mouth. That lush, full bottom lip beckoned to her. Then she noticed the wound on his forehead. The bandage was gone, taken off for his shower. The powerful emotions rushed back, and she reached up to gently touch the skin around the injury.

She’d wanted a taste of him from the moment she’d first laid eyes on him, and now, as the heat between them intensified, she couldn’t think of a single reason not to take that taste.

She trailed her fingers down his scratchy cheek, along the taut cords of his neck. Bringing her other hand into play, she pressed both flat against the heavy muscles of his chest, trailing her hands along the thick ridges of muscle delineating his abdomen.

He released the towel with a harsh groan as the back of her hand brushed the tip of his cock. As the terry cloth fell away, Sean caressed every inch of her nakedness with his eyes. It felt decadent and dangerous to stand before him free of all that heavy clothing they wore every day. Freeing to finally let him know that she wanted him.

“I must be out of my friggin’ mind.”

His lack of sanity didn’t seem to stop him. He stepped closer to her, his big, rough hands cupping her breasts.

He bent his head and his tongue snaked out. “Sean,” she whispered, begged. His mouth closed over her, and she arched wantonly into the heat of him. She moaned his name again. The sound of it reverberated against the tiles, throwing his name back at them.

He sucked hard, and she cried out in raging hunger for more.

When his head raised, her lips parted slightly and Sean read the action for what it was, a silent invitation. She pushed on his chest, backing him into the spray of warm water and he pulled her with him.

The water splashed down and over her skin, warm and wet, sliding over her skin like liquid silk, a cleansing, heated waterfall.

Dropping his mouth to hers, he pressed his full, sensual lips against hers. Even with her confidence that what she wanted was him, a warning bell sounded somewhere in the back of her mind. One time wouldn’t be enough it clanged, not nearly enough. But desire swept through her like a flood and drowned the alarm, leaving nothing but incredible sensations in its wake. He tangled his fist in her dark hair and tilted her head back, giving him better access, a better angle.

Lana fell against him as the strength in her legs ebbed. She gasped at the shock of their bodies coming together, at the surprise pleasure of his lips touching hers, and he slid his tongue slowly into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth. He kissed her slowly, deeply, with a lazy insolence that made the act as intimate as sex.

She pulled him closer, gasping in the feel of his mouth, the hot water pounding her sensitized skin. At that moment, she knew nothing about prudence.

The desire rising up blocked out all else, letting instinct take control. She sank against the hard, muscular planes of his body, shivering at the feel of her breasts flattening against his chest. He swept a hand down her back and over the ripe curve of her buttocks, cupping her, lifting her into him, and pressing her close against the erection that was hard, yet silky against her stomach.

Lana trembled and groaned, barely aware of the sounds she made. A dozen different emotions ripped around in her like leaves in a windstorm. Every nerve in her body was jumping with life. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had touched her like this, made her want like this. And with nothing more than a kiss. It thrilled her and frightened her and made her burn for him.

He took control, pressing her back against the wall of slippery shower tiles. She cupped his face as his kisses got deeper and stronger, more frantic. Her hands went into his whiskey-colored hair. Her fingertips massaged his scalp as his hips pressed against hers, his pelvis thrusting against her with wild abandon.

Her hands curled over his shoulders, sliding around to his back as she urged him as close to her as he could possibly get. Her hands continued their adventurous exploration when she reached for him and cradled his hardness in her hands. His face pressed into the hollow of her shoulder, and he groaned softly as she caressed him wonderingly, amazed at the strength and sensuality encased in that hardness.

“Lana,” he begged huskily.