Page 9 of Fighting Fire

She had every intention of complying. It took her only a moment to grab the foil packet from her cosmetic case that she had purposely carried with her in the hopes of getting Sean alone. When she came back, she moved down his body an inch at a time, kissing his chest, abdomen, the jut of his hipbone, and the tops of his thighs. On her knees, she was at the perfect level for his straining cock.

As her mouth closed over him, he stiffened, both hands pressing against the shower tiles, his breathing ragged. Lana explored his strong length with her lips and tongue, licking away the streams of water, an endless task, as the shower continued to provide more. Long minutes passed until Sean became too restless with need. With two hard hands, he pulled her up and fastened his mouth to her savagely.

All finesse was gone, the thought of control laughable. He pressed her against the tiled wall, branding her with his body. She couldn’t get close enough; she couldn’t feel enough. His mouth was everywhere and had a direct relation to her ability to stand. His warm avid tongue swirled the droplets from her nipples, then paused to suck deeply, causing Lana to cry out at the sharp sensation. One hand smoothed her flat stomach then tangled in the wet hair at the juncture of her thighs. His intense desire ignited her own, and she cried out at the exploring finger he sent inside her.

“Sean,” she whispered, almost incoherent with need, but she didn’t have to be more direct, because Sean knew exactly what she wanted. What they both wanted. He grabbed the condom out of her hand and sheathed himself.

He placed both hands beneath her bottom and lifted her against the tile. Her legs encircled his waist, and he entered her with a surge that drew a moan from both of them.

“You’re so hot, Lana, so damn tight,” he gasped, his hands at her hips directing their movement. His eyes were slitted open, and he watched in satisfaction as Lana reacted in pleasure. The sight of him watching her pleasure made her back arch away from the wall. He drew one nipple into his mouth. And then it was too much for both of them. He pressed her to the wall again her legs tight around him, and powerfully thrust up inside her over and over until they both cried out in unison.

Long moments later, Lana became aware that the water running over them was cold. Sean released her, and she put her feet on the floor, grateful that he didn’t completely let go of her.

He held her against him as if he couldn’t seem to let her go and a giggle slipped out of her.

Sean moved away so that he could look into her face. “This isn’t funny.”

“I know. It isn’t funny at all.”

Sean closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers.

“Are you surprised, Sean?”

He once again looked down into Lana’s face. “Yeah, I guess I am. I thought we were friends.”

“We are friends.”

“Now we’re a little bit more.”

“Yes, we are.”

“I don’t want sex to muddle everything else.”

“It doesn’t have to.”

“Yeah, but it does.”

Lana moved away from him into the spray of the water, washed her hair and soaped her body quickly. When she was done, she turned to look at Sean. He was watching her; that same hungry look back in his eyes.

“You’re a damn beautiful woman,” he said raggedly.

Before she could answer, a booming voice came from the shower room door.

“Jeez, Dempsey! Are you going to use up all the hot water? The grub is ready!”

“Keep your shirt on! I’ll be there in a minute!” she yelled back, irritated at the interruption.

She walked over to where she’d placed her robe and shrugged into it.

Sean grabbed her arm and hauled her up against him. “You are something else. Do you have nerves of steel?”

“They wouldn’t dare come in here while the sign is on the door.”

His mouth came down on hers, his lips still wet, his body damp. Droplets from his hair dripped on her cheek, but she didn’t care. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

When they finally parted, Lana reached up and gently touched his cut. “You should get another bandage on that.”

He nodded. “Thanks for saving my life.”