Page 41 of Because of the Dar

Resigned, I sit down on the edge of the bed. Putting my head in my hands, I prop my elbows on my thighs. She doesn't take as long as I expected, but when she emerges in a cloud of steam, I choke on my saliva and start coughing. Pounding my chest, I can't take my eyes off my friend.

"Why do you have my shirt on?" Another cough. "And please tell me you're wearing something under it."

She narrows her eyes and lifts the hem enough to reveal her hot-pink lace underwear. "I don't think that is much better," I deadpan.

Den snorts. "Dude, like you and I would ever go there again. Your shirts are the size of two of mine, maybe three—so much comfier to sleep in."

With that, the weird tension evaporates. I give her my sauciest grin and open my arms to her.

Closing the distance, Den straddles my lap, her pretty much bare pussy rubbing against my jeans and…nothing. My dick doesn't twitch. He only wants one girl—if she still wants us after tonight. Does King know who Den is? She seemed to be informed about my other friends. Former friends. Fuck. I shake my head. Not going there.

Instead, I focus on my surprise visitor. "What are you doing here?"

I look into her eyes as she rests her arms on my shoulders.

"I felt bad for not warning you about Rhys. I texted Kai asking where you were when no one answered the door," she pauses for a beat. "Lilly made me promise not to tell you because he wanted to talk face-to-face. And we both know that you would've bailed and hidden somewhere."

She's correct in that assumption.

"I kicked him out," I snarl, not wanting to rehash that evening.

"So I've heard." Den sighs.

I wrap my hands around her waist. "Can we not do this?"

I hold my breath and count to seven before she replies, "Okay."

Climbing off me, she crawls over the bed to the other side and pulls the covers down to slide in. "Go shower."

I don't immediately move, so D amends, "You stink. And I want to hear all about the blonde you tongue fucked earlier."

I spendabout five times as long under the hot spray, hoping Den would fall asleep. No dice. She sits in the middle of my bed, propped up against every single pillow I own. Her ferocious typing indicates that she's anything but happy.


Her eyes snap to mine, and she attempts to school her features. Too late.

"Very. Are these the pillows I ordered for you when you moved out here?"

"Who pissed in your egg whites?" Her regular breakfast.

She lets the device drop on my comforter. "Don't get mad."

What now?

"Lilly is picking me up with the jet tomorrow morning."

My spine is so stiff it feels like it's going to snap in half. I inhale slowly through my nose, not breaking eye contact. Den is fidgeting with the duvet, and I wait for the punch line.

"Is she now?" I force my response out between clenched teeth. I normally don't get this worked up about them anymore, but after what went down with King earlier—the wrong girl is in my bed, Rhys was standing in my living room less than a week ago, and now Lilly is coming into town—my adrenaline level skyrockets.

"G was supposed to be with her, but he had to leave Colorado unexpectedly, and now it's just Marcus." She doesn't have to say much more. Marcus became Lilly's security when George was handling the legalities surrounding her case, but even back then, when Lilly traveled, G was with her. George would've been the buffer D needed. Marcus by himself…

"You want me to come with you to the airport." I don't have to ask.

"Yes," she whispers. I would act as the distraction until they were in the air, then she was on her own.

Addressing the actual issue—what goes on between her and Marcus—would be a moot point. She'd evade me as usual. "Why did George leave?" That is more interesting to me. He would never abandon his charge unless it was a situation of life and— "Is Rhys okay?"