Page 42 of Because of the Dar

Why am I asking?

"Yes. She said it was a family emergency." D's gaze mimics my own confusion.

"Fam—what? George doesn't have family, does he?" I realize I never bothered to ask; I simply assumed.

"Your guess is as good as mine."

"And nowthe shadowis going to be with her." Her lips turn to a scowl.

"Under one condition." I'm an asshole, but I don't care.


"I'm not ready to talk about King."

She smirks. "King, is it?"

I tilt my head, and she pretends to zip her mouth. She reorganizes the pillows so that both of us have four and scoots over to the far side.

That was too easy.

"We'll talk in the morning," she says in the sweetest tone as she settles into bed, facing away from me.


Wes hasn't been backto the bar since he left The Grizz. That was last Tuesday. Today is Monday. To say I have not been obsessing about it would be like trying to make someone believe I had a normal childhood.

I know from Kiwi, who was told by Zeke, that Wes missed Wednesday practice because he took Denielle to the airport. Why has he not been back? Maybe I shouldn't have ignored him, but my armor of indifference and self-preservation immediately snapped into place as soon as he wrapped his arms around the dark-haired girl. I've seen pictures of her on social media and also a video in which a flock of paps had been following her and Lilly. But encountering her in real life…how can I stand a chance against what she and Wes have? Even if it would just be friendship (which it certainly didn't look like). Maybe he would eventually accept me. Denielle never would.

The last few days, I kept myself busy with work. I took on two extra shifts to be distracted, with a small part of me clinging to the sliver of hope that Wes would walk in. He didn't.

Saturday evening, Kiwi showed up with Zeke, and during one of my breaks, I finally caved and asked Zeke about Wes. The glance he gave my best friend was everything I needed to know, and I didn't stay for his answer. Kiwi tried intercepting me several times before they left, but I…couldn't.

I got it. Wes realized what a nutcase I was and checked out.

So, with my extra shifts from this week, I texted Grizz Sunday morning and asked for the night off. He called me back about an hour later to tell me it was no problem and he'd see me Monday night.

With that, I packed up the Jeep and was walking the last supplies out as Mags pulled into the driveway.

"Where are you going?" she called out, exiting her car.

"Taking a break. I'll be back tomorrow." Hoping she'd drop it, I turned toward the open door. "ECHO! Let's go, girl."

After a few seconds, my dog shot out of the house and straight into the Jeep, sitting down expectantly on the passenger side. We'd taken a few girls' trips like this since I got her, but not in the last few weeks.

Mags came closer until she was in my personal bubble, and I fought the impulse to step back. "Everything okay?" Her tone was wary, and she scanned me up and down—days like this, I cursed her choice of education.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course." The words pitched like one of those blonde sorority bimbos yapping about the newest designer shoe Daddy's credit card bought them.

Mags pursed her lips, not buying my Broadway-worthy performance one bit.

"Echo complained that I've neglected her, so I'm making it up to my baby." It wasn't a complete lie; I had spent less time with her because I had been too wrapped up in my own personal Weston Sheats soap opera.

But now that it was over, it was time to get back to reality—work, squatting in classes I didn't belong in, and saving as much money as possible.

Mags stared at me expressionless but then miraculously dropped it. "Okay."

"Okay?" Now I was the one with the jaw on the ground. Who was this girl, and what had she done with my roommate?