Page 31 of Conrad

They moved slowly at first, simply enjoying what we were all doing and letting the pleasure of it sink deep. Or so I imagined. True to prediction, I went hard again in no time, even more so when the one on the bed reached around to hold my prick as he worked his cock deeply in me.

It was everything I liked about fucking, especially fucking with more than one partner. All of us were getting what we wanted and needed. I shifted so that I could grasp the one off the bed’s ass, pulling his cheeks apart and squeezing, as he used my mouth and throat and his brother used my ass. All I had to do was keep myself as loose and malleable as possible, and all three of us could wallow in pleasure.

I noticed as the tone shifted and everyone’s sounds and touches grew more desperate that the twins were watching each other over me. I couldn’t see very well, but I was certain they’d locked eyes, and that watching each other get off was making their experience sweeter. In fact, I quickly got the feeling that I had become merely the toy that the two of them were using to bring each other off.

Even with that, I came first. I didn’t expect it. The orgasm snuck up on me, rocketing through me and sending my cum shooting against the standing one’s legs.

The one behind me sucked in a breath and tilted his head back with a groan as he felt my body’s spasms. He started to pump harder and faster, reaching for his orgasm. That forced me to take the other one’s cock deeper in my throat. I didn’t love choking on cock, but I knew it felt good for the owner of said cock, so I focused on swallowing and not vomiting.

I couldn’t actually tell who started to come first. My own senses were overloaded, and it was such a whirlwind that the sensation of cum hitting the back of my throat and blossoming with heat in my ass was almost indistinguishable, even if the feelings were in my imagination only. Whatever it was, all three of us sailed through immensely satisfying orgasms.

I was so drunk with the sensations as they began to subside that I hardly paid attention to how the three of us ended up lying in my bed in a spent and sweaty pile. The one who ended up in front of me kissed me through panting breaths, and then the one behind me grabbed my jaw and turned me to kiss him as well.

This went back and forth a few times until all three of us were too drowsy from coming to keep it up.

“Welcome to the house,” one of them whispered—I couldn’t even tell if the sound came from in front of me or behind me anymore as I tumbled headfirst into sleep. I supposed I had been well and truly initiated.

I hadn’t slept so well since leaving Dushka’s bed. The comfort of the bed itself, my utter exhaustion, and the sensation of bodies against mind was a balm to my tired soul. I really did prefer sleeping with someone to sleeping alone.

Leander and Darius left at some point before I woke up, though, because when dawn peeked through my window and the sounds of someone moving around in the common room dragged me out of sleep, I was alone in bed. I smiled against my pillow anyhow, stretching to feel every sore muscle and swallowing to catch the remnants of everything I’d tasted.

It was all good, very good. I got up to wash using the pitcher and basin in my room with a smile on my face. The Old Realm might have been a strange and complicated place, but I had a feeling I was going to enjoy my time here. I would be diligent about my work in the healer’s course—that was why I was there, after all, and the knowledge I would gain would be extremely important once I returned to the frontier—but Dushka had charged me to have fun while I was away from him, so have fun I would.

I made my way out to the common room once I was dressed to find Lucius hunched over his pile of books at the table and Mara fiddling with the kettle over the fire.

“Good morning,” I told them with a broad smile.

Lucius took one look at me and made a sound of disgust. “They didn’t even let you sleep one night, did they.”

A twist of sheepishness shot through me, though I wondered how Lucius could know what had gone on in the night. His room didn’t share any walls with mine.

I got my answer when I walked over to Mara at the fire to see if the tea or coffee she was making was ready. She looked honestly at me and pointed to my neck, her face pink.

“You were loud,” she said, turning back to the kettle.

“Sorry,” I gulped, clapping a hand to my neck. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize.”

I searched around for a mirror or something reflective. There actually was a long mirror near the front door.

“I’m used to it,” Mara said with a shrug. “It really doesn’t bother me.”

Once I reached the mirror, I moved my hand. Sure enough, there was a large, red and purple blob on my neck. Either Leander or Darius had left his mark on me. I wouldn’t have been able to see it without a mirror.

“Everyone is going to know that men from the frontier are tarts,” Lucius said in a sing-song voice without looking up from his books.

I scowled across the room at him. “At least I’m not an uptight prig,” I shot back, giving up any chance of making friends.

“I beg your pardon?” Lucius snapped straight, his eyes going wide with offense. “Do you have any idea who I am, frontier boy?”

“Yes,” I said, turning fully toward him. “You’re a stuck-up twat who happened to be born to wealth, though whether your father is whichever snobby nobleman married your mother or the tramp with a big cock that your mother snuck up to her bedchamber one night just to have someone fuck her hard enough to make her come is anyone’s guess.”

I’d definitely spent too much time around Jace, or half of the rest of the wolves in the forest.

Lucius went pale and splotchy, and his eyes bulged. Mara looked shocked as well, and her jaw dropped. And it just so happened that Leander and Darius had walked out of their room in time to hear my insults as well.

Of course, the twins looked impressed. They began to clap slowly.

“I feel as though we should take credit for that,” Darius—possibly Leander—said.