Page 30 of Conrad

Whatever I’d been about to say—and honestly, I didn’t know, since the prospect of the two gorgeous men having their way with me had me dripping on my sheets—was cut off as the one in back turned my head again to kiss me and thrust his tongue into my mouth.

I hummed with pleasure at the onslaught of sensation Leander and Darius gave me. They would probably be disappointed to know I’d been with two men before—Dushka had shared me with Pasha early in the days of my pupdom—but for the time being, I would let them do whatever they thought they needed to do in order to impress me.

They were good at what they were doing, good at working as a team. Their hands stroked and pleased me so well together that I wasn’t certain which of them was touching me where. It felt fucking good too. So much so that I closed my eyes so that I could sink into the intensity of the pleasure even more, without worrying about who was where and doing what.

The twins were enjoying themselves, I knew. The one in the front sounded like he was devouring a sticky cake as he sucked my cock into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the head before taking me deep, then sucking hard as he pulled back. The one in the back kissed and nipped my neck and shoulder as he stroked his hand across my hole. He must have sucked on his fingers to wet them when I wasn’t paying attention, because he was able to penetrate me with two fingers, brushing against my prostate as he did.

It was heady and overwhelming. Pleasure infused every part of me, inside and out. The twins gave pleasure so expertly that I was a shivering, pulsing blob of putty in their hands within a minute. I sensed that they were trying to make me come fast and hard, but I was used to being teased and edged, and I had more control than they anticipated.

Not only that, I managed to thread the fingers of the hand of the arm that was mostly trapped under me through the one in front’s hair while also reaching behind me to locate that one’s cock and to stroke it as best I could at the odd angle. At the same time I managed to push my cock deeper into the one in front’s mouth as he swallowed, showing my control.

The one in front hummed lasciviously. “Conrad the wicked wolf of the frontier,” he said breathlessly, then stroked his tongue down my cock to take one of my balls in his mouth.

It was absolute heaven. So much better than an inexperienced fumble on the road or a surprise tumble with a woman. It was all I could do not to come all over, even though the one in front didn’t have me in his mouth anymore.

Leander and Darius clearly sensed my efforts to hold on.

“There, there,” the one in back said teasingly, pressing my prostate particularly insistently. “Surely, you’re young enough to come more than once in one night.”

“By all means,” the one in front said, leaving my balls to lick up my cock again. “Go on. Let yourself come.”

“You’ll feel so much better for it,” the one in back purred.

They were right, and I didn’t know why I was stopping myself. I would be ready to go again in just a few minutes, I was certain.

I made deliberately obscene sounds as the one in front bore down on my cock again. In the back of my mind, it dawned on me that he couldn’t possibly be comfortable in the position we were all in, so I would be doing him a service by coming so that we could shift to something more comfortable.

I let go with a deep moan that tore out of me as my ball drew up and lightning shot through my groin. It felt so good, not just for me. The twin behind me hissed as my ass clenched instinctively over his fingers, and the one in front groaned and gurgled as my cum hit the back of his throat and he swallowed.

The rush of satisfaction I felt once I was spent was made even better by the swell of pride I felt for impressing the twins. I was certain I’d given them what they’d been looking for, and I would have nestled down between them with an arrogant grin, except they weren’t anywhere near done.

“Oh, no,” the one in front said, slipping around to sit and drawing my passion-limp body up with him. “Don’t you dare think for a moment that we’ve had enough of you.”

“You’ve had your bit of fun,” the one in back said, backing off the bed. “Now it’s our turn.”

I loved the thrill of danger that zipped through me at those words. Again, if the twins thought they could frighten me by implying it was my turn to work for their pleasure, they clearly had no idea who they were dealing with.

“Any way you want me,” I purred, moving to kneel with my knees spread wide apart, which served to open my ass as well.

The room was lit only by the last remaining glow of the fire in the grate and the small bit of moonlight filtering in through the window, but it was just enough to catch the lusty light in both of the twins’ eyes.

“I like our new roommate,” the one in front of me told the other.

“We are going to have such a delightful time sharing,” the one in back said.

The one in front gestured to the side, and I saw a jar of what had to be ointment sitting on the table beside my bed. They must have brought it with them, for which I was grateful.

As the one who had slipped to the floor grabbed it, the one still on the bed turned me so that I was kneeling right at the edge of the bed. He caught the jar when his twin tossed it and pulled the cork out without ceremony. As he slicked up his cock, the one standing moved up to me and ran his fingers through my hair and stroked my face.

“You really are pretty, Conrad of the Wilderness,” he said, then tilted my head up so he could kiss me.

The bed was low to the ground, so I had to crane my neck back quite a bit for that kiss. It was a more submissive pose than I was used to, but at that moment, I really didn’t care.

I was taken by surprise when the one still on the bed, came right up behind me, nudging my knees wider with his own, then guided himself so that he could thrust right into me while my mouth was still fused to his twin’s. I cried out at the suddenness and tightness of the invasion, right into the other twin’s mouth.

All three of us made unfettered sounds of enjoyment as our bodies moved together. The standing twin wasn’t content just to kiss me. He stepped back, keeping one hand on my head, and reached for his cock with the other. It jutted straight out from his body. More than that, the bed was low enough to the ground that it put me at almost the perfect level to open my mouth and accept his cock when he moved into me.

We were all beyond speech at that point, but I could imagine that if the twins had been able to form words, they would have complimented me on the ease with which I let them both use me, and how I was already taking two cocks at once, even if it wasn’t in the same orifice.