"How long have you been doing this job?" Jeannie asked, looking from the iPad up to me.

Busted. She hadn’t asked me that on the phone.

"I’ll be honest. I've thrown parties for a long time with my mom, but this would be my first official event."

"I thought your website looked unfamiliar. I’d researched event planners a couple weeks earlier, and I hadn't come across it."

"What made you choose me?" I asked, completely surprised.

"The way you described yourself just clicked with me. I had a good feeling about you."

I couldn't help but laugh. Jeannie Whitley was a lovely person, and I knew I’d enjoy working with her. "Thank you for saying that."

"What were you doing before, if you don't mind me asking? I don't want to seem nosy."

"Oh, you’re not. I have a degree in computer science and had a job doing predictive analytics, but things didn't work out. I’ve applied for jobs in the industry, but in the meantime, I’ll plan parties for a living. I’ve interviewed for a promising prospect, but they haven’t made an offer yet. And even if they do, I’d still have time for your party."

“So, you’re only doing this temporarily.”

“Yes.” I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing, judging by Jeannie’s expression.

I hoped she wouldn't probe further. I didn't want to drag up the whole story about why I had to leave my previous job. Besides, since I’d already built a website, I was toying with the idea of throwing parties on the side even after I got a full-time job.

"Is your mother retired now?"


"Where did they move, if I may ask? I remember you said they didn’t live here anymore."

"To Greece."

"Oh, that's lovely."

"It is, but also very far away," I said before chastising myself.

Jeannie was a possible client. She didn't need to know the details of my life. Although, I had to admit, I felt very comfortable around her.

"And your sisters also moved?"

"Yes. They’re opening a hotel there, and my older sister recently gave birth, so my parents have their hands full," I said with a sad smile. "Anyway, back to your destination party. Aside from Martha's Vineyard, do you have any other places you'd like to go?"

Jeannie considered this. "We could choose something else, but the more I think about it, the more I like the Vineyard, especially since a few of the guests could sleep at Jake's house." She looked at my left hand.

"You know what? I’m going to ask my grandson when he's going to Martha's Vineyard next, and you could go with him to see the property. That way he could show you around."

"That would be amazing. If it's not an inconvenience for him."

Jeannie snorted.Actuallysnorted. "He’ll go out of his way to tell us what an inconvenience it is."

"Then I can find another way."

"Oh no, no. I think my grandson doesn't know what's good for him. A break will do him just fine."

I had no answer to that. Jeannie was like the meddling grandmother I'd love to have in my life. The concern for her grandson was obvious in her voice.

"A break from what exactly?" I asked.

"He works a lot. He insists it’s just twelve hours a day, but I have it on good authority that it’s more."