"That's not healthy," I said immediately.

"Exactly." She seemed thrilled that I was agreeing with her. "And, Natalie, forgive me for being so frank, but do you have a boyfriend?"

I blinked rapidly, feeling as if someone had pulled my chair out from under me and I'd fallen on my ass on the polished hardwood floor.

"A boyfriend? No."

If an employer had asked me that, I would flat-out have told them it was none of their business, but somehow Jeannie made me want to spill my deepest secrets. "Why do you ask?"

“Oh, nothing. Nothing," she said suspiciously quickly. "I was just wondering if traveling to Martha's Vineyard overnight would be a problem for you. Wouldn't want to keep you from anything."

My ex-boyfriend was why I was unemployed in the first place.

"You wouldn't, trust me."

Her smile was downright bubbly. I was even more suspicious than before.

"We’d pay for your time away, of course."

I'd expected that, which was why her previous question didn't compute. Boyfriend or not, if I took a job, I’d travel if need be.

"Let me think about it and talk to Jake,” she continued. “I really like your idea with the destination party, and I also love the pictures you've shared with me."

"Oh, that makes me so happy."

I could practically feel my heart swell with joy, and I chose to take it as the best sign possible. I dearly needed one.

Things would work out. Jeannie would give me the assignment, and things would finally take a turn for the better.

Chapter Three


"Ben, we’re not losingthis client. You understand? It's an order."

Ben nodded, his eyes darting toward the door. He might be my second-in-command, but even he knew better than to lose this account.