Page 9 of B-Side

"I'm so sorry, Grace," he said.

"No, no, I shouldn't have gotten serious about it… I just… I'm single, and I plan on staying that way for now."

"No, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry about everything when we were kids. I shouldn't have…"

"No, don't—" I said breathlessly cutting him off. "Like you said, we were both kids. Choices were made, and… it's all good," I paused and took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "It's really all good."

Alec stared at me for what must have been ten full seconds. Maybe twenty.

He was quiet for so long that I said, "It was good seeing you, though."

"I need to tell you that I know I did wrong, Grace."

"No, you don't," I said. "You don't need to tell me that. I wasn't trying to make it about that. Everybody has a past."

"You're right, but I should've been better to you. I should've been better to you back then, and I realize it now. I was selfish and immature and I'm sorry. I have no excuse. I wish I did."

"It's all good, Alec."

"Please stop saying that. It's like you're not even hearing my apology."

"I do hear it. I hear you. Thank you. I just wanted you to know that there was no need to apologize."

He took a deep breath. "I'm tired of this mask. I want it off. Can you help me take it off?"

"No. No, no, no. People will start to recognize you. Aren't you having a good day today, flying under the radar? Just wait till you get in the car. I know like ten teachers here who love your band. They'll want to take photos with you and stuff."

"So?" he said. He reached up and started peeling the silicone mask off.

"Don't," I urged.

But Alec was stubborn and he did not listen to me. Within seconds, the thing was off of his face, and along with it came his front hairline—a full row of gray hair. He sat down the mask, his dark hair falling over his forehead.

"That's better. I can breathe. How do I look?"

"Younger," I said. "A lot younger. You also have some glue around your eyes and mouth."