Page 10 of B-Side

Chapter 4

Alec Abramson

"Glue? You see glue on my face?" Alec said looking at Grace. He turned his head a little, showing her one side of his jaw. "Why don't you help me get it off?"

"I have supplies you can use. I have wipes—alcohol wipes and stuff." She crossed to her supply cabinet. Grace had full-size hand wipes at her station, and she tore off a couple of them and handed them to Alec. He didn't take them from her right away. She held them, hanging in the air between them.

"But I'm telling you, Alec, it's really obvious who you are." She shook the towel, letting him know it was okay to take it from her.

"Okay, that's fine. It's just a little elementary school party. I think I'll be okay with a few people recognizing me."

"Take this," she said after another few seconds.

"I thought you were going to do it for me," he returned, closing his eyes. "You said you didn't have a mirror, so I thought you had to do it."

Alec kept his eyes closed as he sat back. He couldn't see anything, but he could feel, smell, and hear Grace. She sighed reluctantly, but she moved toward him, and he knew she was going to help him with the glue. He could feel her approaching.

"It's going to look really funny, you walking in here as an old man, then walking out like this."

"Nobody really cares," Alec said, breathing in the clean smell of her. It was peaches or raspberries—some kind of fruit. Citrus, perhaps. It was familiar to him, and new at the same time. His heart pounded in his chest. It had been racing since he first saw Grace.

And then he talked to her, and she was… she was perfect. She was honest and pure, real and true. She was still the same smart, steady, beautiful girl he knew in high school. Alec was at home with Grace Bailey, and his heart knew it, even with his eyes closed. He felt like crying, which was completely unlike him. Grace was his first, and he wanted her to be his last.

He should have never experienced anyone else. He should have stopped with her. No one had ever compared to Grace. She was the one he had been with the longest and that was because she was the right one.

Alec was suddenly out-of-his-mind with regret over ever losing her.

These feelings hit him like a ton of bricks.

He was a fool.

He had to have Grace.

He would do anything to fix his mistake.

"It looks like drool," she said, laughing a little.

"What?" he asked, opening his eyes with an offended look.

She was only a foot or two from him, and she was smiling at his chin. "There's a big line of glue right here, and it's coming out of your mouth, and it looks like a big thing of drool."

She smiled as she wiped the offending area, and Alec did the only thing he could in that moment.

He felt like he might explode if he didn't do it.

He was watching Grace.

She was staring intently at his mouth, and he leaned up and kissed her.

Oh, for the love of… ohhhh… sheeee waaas exquisite.

Alec kissed her gently and lightly for a second, but then he took her bottom lip into his mouth, tasting her. This made her gasp and suddenly pull back. She stared down at him, her chest moving as she tried to catch her breath.

Alec was in love. He remembered this woman for who she was on the inside, and he knew he loved her. He went to smile at her, and was thinking about how he could confess these things, but then he saw something flash in his periphery.

He felt a thudding blow as something came in contact with the side of his face. It took him off guard, but it didn’t hurt. It stung a little, and it surprised him.

"Did youslapme just now?" He asked Grace. "What was that for?"