Page 26 of B-Side


So, you liked it?

He was grinning as he hit send. He got a text back seconds later.


Unbelievable. Did you write it?




You have such a gift, Alec. I'm so proud and happy I feel like I could burst. I'm bursting over here.


I'm glad you like it. I'm going to send the others while we're doing this.


What others?


I have other songs. Twelve total. I'll email the rest.

Alec pressed send on that text and his phone rang. He smiled as he pressed the button to answer it. It was Grace, and his chest tightened at the sound of her tentative voice.

"Hey, Alec?"

"Hey, hey," he said. "Are you good?"

"Yeah, I'm just… I'm trying to take it all in." She cleared her throat but then continued. "So, did you write that song you sent me?"


"And you have others like that?"

"Yes. An album. Not that there's an album yet, but there's an album's worth of songs. Twelve songs."

"When did you do this?" she asked. Her voice was high-pitched and she spoke deliberately. He could tell she was doing her best not to cry.

"Lately," he said. "It's been a few months in the making."

"How did I not know?"

"I don't know why I didn't tell you. I was still searching it out—figuring out if I wanted to do anything with them."

"Do you have the videos for all of the songs?"

"Yeah, I just played through all of them and Ozzy videoed me. My brothers are the only ones who know about the music, and I told them not to tell anybody. I wrote the songs and recorded them, but I honestly don't know what I'll do with them, if anything."

"Could you please send me the other songs?" she asked. She spoke so tentatively and softly that Alec knew she was on the verge of tears. She barely got out the words.

"Yes, I will. I'll send them right when we hang up."