“How about we go get a hot drink, then go for that ride?” he asks, looking at me funny.

I wipe my eyes again and nod. “Yeah, that sounds perfect.”

We say goodbye to Matilda and Sonya, then ride the short distance to the coffee shop. I order an apple cider once more and he goes for a hot chocolate. We’ve opted to sit inside this time, and it’s so peaceful.

I glance around and he laughs. “I’m surprised you haven't noticed the case of pastries yet.”

I giggle, shrugging. “Since moving here, I’ve consumed so many sweets. I think I need to contain myself if I’m to fit into a ball gown.”

He snorts and shakes his head. “Silver, you’re too thin to begin with—a few cakes won’t hurt. Split one with me?” he requests, begging me with his eyes. I roll mine and nod.

Next thing I know, he has three cakes in front of me, with two forks.

“Jax, I said I’d split a piece of cake with you.One.Not three,” I scold.

He shrugs and digs in. “These are my favorites. I couldn’t choose.”

I look down at the lemon and poppyseed cake, the triple chocolate cake, and the carrot cake. I bite my lip, then go for the lemon one.Okay, he’s right. These are fantastic.

I moan around my fork and he bends closer, wiping a crumb from my lip. I watch as he licks his thumb.Why is he so sexy?

He clears his throat and goes back to his treat.

I take a sip of my drink and groan.I’m so full, but it was so gooood.

“So, are you ready to go for a ride?” Jax asks, giving me a wink.

I’d like to ride something, alright.

I nod and he takes my hand, dropping some cash on the table. We move back to his bike and I freeze. Kaci is standing there, looking like a lost puppy. Her hair is greasy, and she has bags under her eyes. Jax hasn’t noticed her yet.

“Kaci, are you okay?” I ask, moving closer to her. She wraps her arms around herself and shakes her head no. Jax reaches out toward her and she flinches, whimpering.

“They—” she starts, then stops.

Something is not right here.

“Did someone hurt you?” I ask slowly, approaching her. She nods her head yes, then starts to cry. I wrap my arms around her and she collapses. Jax reaches out to catch her before she hits the ground. I may be strong, but her dead weight would have brought me down with her.

We move over to the outdoor seating and place her in a chair.

“What should we do?” I ask him.

He shakes his head, pulling out his phone and making a call. “Liza. I need your help,” he says, walking away for the rest of the conversation.

Liza?That name sounds familiar.

He returns and sits next to Kaci. “Don’s sister will know what to do. She’s a nurse of sorts.”

We wait a few moments, lost in our heads, when a blue minivan pulls up to the curb.

“Sorry. The kids wouldn’t stop fighting long enough for me to leave,” a female version of Donnie calls out, while hopping from the driver's seat. She rushes over with some smelling salts and holds them under Kaci’s nose. Kaci starts whimpering and Liza looks at Jax nervously, before glancing my way.

“Silver, is it?” I nod. “Would you run inside and grab a bottle of water please?” she says sweetly.

I hop up and walk inside, returning a few moments later to hushed whispers and Kaci still seeming a mess. I hand her the water and she gives me a watery smile.

“Thank you,” she says softly. After a few sips, she starts to talk. “Hazel and Winnie, they’re up to no good. Want me to join them. When I said no, they locked me in the cellar and had some younger classmates hurt me.”