She won’t meet our eyes, but Liza wraps her in a tight hug. “We will take care of them. Let’s get you back to my place. I’ll make you some herbal tea, and cookies,” she says soothingly. She looks at Jax. “Arrow, can you help me get Kaci to the van?”

He helps Kaci over to the passenger seat and Liza moves ahead, throwing a diaper bag and sippy cups into the back. She looks sheepish. “I haven't had time to clean.”

I give her a warm smile. She reminds me of my mom.

She closes the door and comes over to me. “I’m sorry to run, but it was so nice to meet you. I’ll see you at the ball. Come hell or high water, I am attending that party.” She kisses Jax’s cheek, then hops in the van and takes off.

“She seems nice,” I comment, and Jax laughs.

“Liza’s always been like a mom to us, even though she's only five years older.” He takes my hand and leads me over to his bike.

The sky’s starting to get dark. I glance at my phone and see we have been gone for over six hours.How is that possible?

“I know I mentioned a ride, but at night it’s more risky. How about we head home and watch a movie?” I nod yes, and he helps me on his bike.

I think I might take a bath. A bath and a movie sounds great.