Robert has decided to leave Alistar House as well. We have plans to sneak off into the night, the night before my twenty-first birthday. I hope we can sneak away without being caught. Lucian has seemed to make some friends who like telling him everything I do. I plan to only take the photo album I have and Mother’s shawl. Robert said we will need to hike for a few hours before we can stop for the night. He has a friend willing to house us until transportation arrives. He’s asked me to return to his home with him, but I need to see my own home one last time. He’s offered to accompany me. He’s a good man, though I do not have feelings toward him. Sadly, despite his behaviour, Lucian still owns my heart. I think he always may.

A knock on the door startles me.

“Come in,” I call.

Jax pops his head in, giving me a small smile. He’s been acting strange since Wells left.

“Would you like to go get something to eat? I need to make a stop in town. We can go for a ride? The weather’s pretty nice today, and soon I’ll need to put my bike away over winter.”

That sounds fun, especially since Luke says classes are cancelled. I close the book and walk to my closet. I’m still wearing the towel but I’ve been dry for over an hour. I drop it and a gasp sounds from behind me. I bite my lip to contain my giggle and bend a little, reaching down to grab a pair of jeans. If I wiggle my butt a bit...Ehhh, who am I kidding?I'm totally wiggling my ass, teasing, taunting him.

Jax coughs loudly. “I’ll be in the kitchen. When you’re done, meet me there,” he squeaks, then bolts.

I stand back up and sigh.Will he ever just give in?

I finish getting dressed, then grab my phone and meet him in the kitchen. He’s standing in front of the sink, looking out at the garden, seemingly lost in a thought.

“All set,” I say, startling him.

He turns and gives me a smile, then walks to the door. I grab my shoes, and follow him to the garage. He holds the door for me before grabbing his keys from the hook. Climbing onto his bike, he holds his hand out to help me behind him. I wrap my arms tightly around his lower stomach, and feel him shiver.

He hands me the helmet I believe he bought for me, putting his own on. We take off down a path I have yet to explore, to a side gate that opens with a push of a button on the speaker box. He moves fast around the curves, making me hold him tighter. This seems to be the only time he’ll allow me to touch him.

We pull into the parking lot outside a tiny shop called Matilda’s, and Jax turns his bike off, removing his helmet. I follow suit and hop off the bike.

“This place is a bit eccentric, but they have amazing teas,” he mutters, avoiding my eyes.

I follow him to the door, and am immediately hit with the scent of crisp apples and lavender. I take a giant breath in, and feel the tension from the last few days leave my body.

A tabby cat pops up on the counter beside the door, and I squeak in surprise. Jax looks over at me, trying to hide his amusement. “Silver, meet Sonya. She is Matilda’s one true love,” he whispers conspiratorially.

“Oh, hush now boy. I am happy to tell you, I met a wonderful man.” A gorgeous dark-haired enchantress comes out from a back room, giving Jax a huge grin. She’s dressed in clothes you would see a gypsy wearing; she reminds me of Esmerelda fromThe Hunchback of Notre Dame, one of my favorite movies as a child.

“Ah, you must be Silver. Let me have a look at you. Gorgeous, just like your Gran.”

I pause and look at her, shocked. “You knew my Gran?”

She looks away sheepishly, then returns her gaze to mine. “Yes, she stopped here a few years back, talking about her granddaughters who were going to attend Alistar Academy. Wonderful woman. I was sorry to hear she passed, as well as your family. Simply tragic,” she says in a calming tone. I wipe my eyes and she pulls me into a jasmine and rosemary hug.

She reminds me of Gran.I gently remove myself from her arms and glance around—this shop is amazing. So many herbs and trinkets on the shelves.

“This place is incredible. Do you mind if I look around?” I ask, and she gives me a large smile.

“Of course, dear. You’re welcome here anytime.”

Jax gives me a nudge, leading me to a shelf stacked with teas and homeopathic remedies.

“I’ll just be over here. Let me know when you’re done browsing. I could spend hours here,” he says with a wistful smile.

I soon find myself in a large armchair by the fire with Sonya on my lap, reading a book on healing spells and potions, when Jax comes back from whatever he was doing.

“I see you made a new friend,” he murmurs softly, coming up to scratch the purring furball behind her ear.

I glance down at her and sigh. “I miss Luc. He’s been gone for over a week now, Jax. What if an animal got him or something? I keep hoping that maybe he belonged to someone else when I found him, and he’s just returned to them. I miss having someone to cuddle at night.”

I wipe under my eyes and he removes Sonya, gently placing her on the floor, before pulling me into a hug.

“That’s possible, Silver. I know Luc was a big fan of you though. Maybe he’s out exploring and will come home soon.” He lifts my chin with his finger and presses a soft kiss to my lips.