He looks at me and lifts an eyebrow, then bursts out laughing. “She might enjoy that, Don,” he says, still chuckling.

I lean my head back and moan, gripping my hair in my fists.She totally would.

“Please, baby,” Silver whines from the other room. Wellson comes storming in with his pants unbuttoned and shirt askew, with Silver right on his heels.

“Dollintour mumotis,” he mumbles and she freezes.

Arrow jumps up and punches Wells in the gut with his air. “What the fuck dude, you can’t spell her! How the hell are we going to explain you turning her into a doll, when we can’t make her memories disappear?” he snaps.

Wellson’s eyes go wide.

“Fucckkkk. I didn't think. She’s just been on me, and attacked me in my room, and I just forgot,” he says sheepishly, rubbing his stomach.

I stand up and move over to her. She's frozen but her eyes are still moving. I don’t see panic, just confusion. “Okay, Princess. I have a solution.” I turn and look at the guys. “Let’s get wasted.”

Arrow groans and shakes his head. “No, no man, this is a bad idea.”

Wells jumps up and kisses my cheek. “Yes! You gorgeous, amazing man. Let’s get drunk,” he says, with a huge grin on his face. I run my hand over my scalp and grin back.

Fuck it. Let's do this shit!


Dumbasses the pair of them, but I love them. They are my brothers.

I follow Don and Silver to the kitchen, and watch as he bends her legs and arms to allow her to sit. He pushes the chair closer to the table, then moves to the cupboard to grab the liquor.

"Are we going to remove the spell, or leave her complacent?" I ask.

He snorts and gives me a look. "This is the most peace and quiet we’ve had in days. Let me enjoy it for a moment."

I roll my eyes at him, but nod. "And how exactly is all of us getting drunk going to help her forget?"

Wells comes around the corner, changed into some sweatpants and no shirt. He bends down and kisses her cheek, before taking the seat next to her. "Maybe we should get some mushrooms or something? Claim hallucinations?" he suggests.

I bend across the table to smack him, but Don beats me to it. "Dude, that's not funny."

He shrugs and rubs the back of his head. "It was just an idea," he mutters.

Lucifer strolls in the room and Wells hisses at him. I roll my eyes—we all know that he likes the little fucker, he can pretend all he wants.

I stand to feed Luc and he rubs up against my ankle, then jumps onto Silver's lap and meows. When she doesn't move to pet him, he looks back at me.Wow.If looks could kill.

He rubs up on her face, and she sneezes, unfreezing.What the fuck?!

The guys jump into action. Next I know, déjà vu powder is blown into her face. She coughs and sneezes again. Lucifer jumps down from her lap and saunters out of the room with a bit of attitude.

"What the hell is going on? Wellson Birch, do not walk away from me!" Silver roars at Wells' back.

He slowly turns and gives her a hesitant look. "You fell and bumped your head. We set you on the chair to rest."

She looks at all of us, then starts laughing. "Oh. Okay. Love you." She stands, then sits on my lap, rubbing up on me and snuggling deep.

"Did she just say she loves me?" Wells asks, shocked.

I nod and look at her closely—her eyes have a pink tint.Can anything else go wrong today?I groan and push her toward Don.

"You dumbass! You gave her the wrong powder. This is the love spell shit Hazel used on you!" I hiss at Wells.