His smile falters and he runs his hands through his hair. “Fuck man, I wish. We had a moment, and she left her door open—which we all know is an invitation—but then you guys texted and it feels like I’m about to burst with all this energy,” he says, then slumps on the ground.

Ah, that explains the door thing.

“Has anyone else noticed something different about their powers? It feels like since she arrived, my powers seem to be intensifying,” Don says, sitting next to Wells.

“I mean, it’s possible she is the catalyst of our star, but I thought that wouldn't happen until she ascends. At least that's what happened with us,” I muse, thinking back to the night we ascended.

“Did anyone tell you what to expect tonight?” I ask the guys as we sit in this underground chamber. It’s cold, musty, and dark. I’m not feeling very optimistic.

Wells speaks up. “No man, my dad won’t tell me a thing. What about you, Don? Did Liza or your brothers fess anything up?”

Donovan shakes his head no. He’s being awfully quiet; I’m worried about him. I look over his head and meet Wells' gaze. He too has noticed the change in Don’s demeanor.

“Okay well, let’s look at the facts. One—almost everyone we know has been through an ascension and lived. Two—I highly doubt that as the heirs, our parents would risk putting us in danger.” I take a deep breath, and pause. Well, hopefully they wouldn’t. Our parents aren’t the warm and fuzzy type.

“Fuck this, man. Why can’t we just be normal? I mean, we’re about to be twenty-one. We should be out partying, going and having a first legal drink somewhere,” Donovan snaps.

Wellson cracks up. “Don man, we have never and will never be normal. You’ve known that since birth.” He goes to continue but is interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

“It’s time, boys. If you will just follow me,” Alara says. We stand and follow her down a dimly lit corridor. She stops at a large wooden door and turns, handing each of us a violet robe. “Please disrobe down to your underwear, and put these on. When you are ready, knock three times, and enter in the order of your birth times.”

She leaves us and we do as she said. Donovan knocks three times and enters first. I follow, and Wellson enters last. The council stands before us in a circle, surrounding a large fire. They are staring at the ceiling, chanting. I gaze up and my breath catches. No wonder I’m freezing. The night sky shines down, with the stars gleaming.

“Wow!” Wellson gasps, following my gaze.

A man claps his hands, pulling my attention back to the circle. The chanting stops and they all raise their hands to the sky. A glow emits from their hands, rushing through their bodies, making them vibrate and moan.

“Holy fuck,” Donovan mutters under his breath.

“Come, boys. It’s time,” Master says, ushering us to the middle of the circle.

Yelling pulls me to the present once more.

“I can’t believe you did that!” Wells snarls at Donovan.

“Oh, get off it. You knew she was going to do something like this. I just threatened her a little. I gave her a memory swipe. She won’t remember a thing, but the warning will remain.” Donovan shrugs.

“Wait! What? Who did you threaten, Don?” I demand.

He rolls his eyes and waves it off. “It’s really not a big deal. I threatened Winnie to stay away from Silver.”

My eyebrows jump at this, and he laughs.

“Not because I like Silver, man, but because Winnie almost exposed us. If you think about it, I probably saved her ass. Now her father and Master don’t need to get involved,” he explains, before standing. “Now, let's blow some more shit up, then get some food. I’m starving.”

“Hell yes, I’m in. Arrow?” Wells says, looking at me.

I nod yes and follow them over to the targets once more.