Ileft my door open as an invitation for Wells to join me, but he never came. A few minutes later, I heard the kitchen door slam. Maybe I read the signals wrong?No, that's crazy. That guy is always kissing you, Silver.

I mean, we basically can’t be in the same room together without something happening. I know we don’t know each other that well, but it’s been so long since someone has held me, or kissed me. It’s nice, and he's sweet, not to mention his body is made for steamy dreams.

I sigh, then grab the journal Alara gave me a few days ago. For such an old book, it’s been preserved really well. I open the first page and get comfortable.

Fall 1918

I was never one to journal, but now that I’m all alone, I may as well write down my story in case my fate changes like my family’s. It feels so odd sitting here in the candlelight writing in this book.

I guess I should start from the beginning.

To whomever is reading this, my name is Elena Forest, and I am the last living Forest in existence. My family was stolen from me not long ago. The terrible flu claimed everyone I loved. I was spared, though I wish I wasn’t. If it wasn’t for Lucian, I don’t think I would be able to move on. He’s my best friend. I love him with everything that I am.

We are on route to Alistar House—a school where I was accepted to further my education. I thought Father would be with me for this big move, but the Fates spoke. I guess it wasn’t meant to be.

If I had known the last time I would ever see him was the day he dropped me off at the promenade to meet Luc, I would have given him a proper hug. Not the quick smile and wave I graced him with.

I’ve always been my father’s little lady. Mother tried for years to get me interested in debutante balls, and be a Louisiana Belle.

I stop reading, and wipe the tears from my cheeks. She also lost her family. How is it possible that a century ago my ancestor also dealt with such a tragedy? I feel connected to Elena in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

I don’t think I can handle any more of the journal tonight though. I set the book down and listen. It’s so quiet. If the guys are really not here, I think I may take advantage of the big bathtub. Even though I had that shower earlier—the most stressful one ever—I could really use a relaxing soak today.

I move to the bathroom and start the water, digging around in the cupboard I find some fruity body wash.Please don’t tell me this is also Donovan’s...I really need to make a trip to the little shops they have on the other side of campus. I add a capful into the running water to create some bubbles, and watch as the tub slowly fills. Once it’s full, I shut the water off and start to undress.

At that moment, my phone starts ringing from my bedroom.Of course someone would call me now!I grab my robe, and run to my room to answer.

“Hello?” I say, out of breath.

A man clears his throat before answering. “Ms. Forest, this is Mr. Blackwell.”

I can’t help but glance at the time. Why is he calling me this late?

“I was just calling to see how you're doing. Have you settled in okay with Mr. Arrow, Birch, and Blake?”

I roll my eyes and sigh, taking a seat on the edge of my bed.

“Yes sir, so far things seem to be going okay. I haven’t had a chance to do what we discussed, but I think one of these men will make a fine suitor.”

He cuts me off. “Good, good. That's what we like to hear. Listen Silver, I need to go, but keep me posted. If you need anything, I’m only a phone call away,” he rushes out before hanging up.

We? Who is we?I stare at my phone in confusion for a few minutes, then toss it back on my bed.

I have a bubble bath calling my name.


Returning from the clearing, I feel a weight removed from my shoulders. I really needed that.

Now shower, snack and bed—in that order. I open the kitchen door, and move straight for the bathroom. The light is on but no one’s in here.Damn woman, wasting electricity.

I strip my clothes off, leaving them in a pile by the sink. I know Silver has added a cute little hamper, but I don’t want to mix my things with hers. After her fit about doing the laundry, she would probably just burn all my boxers, and I’m running low as is.

I open the shower door, and step in. I move to turn the water on, but just then someone opens the bathroom door and I hear it close with a soft click. I turn to see Silver standing in front of the tub, with her back to me. She drops her robe, and my eyes immediately drop to her tight ass.