Iamexhausted. Alara had me following her like a little puppy all day long. Classes don’t even start till next week, so why we had to get all these errands done today was beyond me. Someone’s talking in the hallway, but I can’t make out what's being said. Do they not know it's past four in the morning? Gah, please don’t tell me they’re a bunch of party boys... I had enough of that with Riley. I guess that was my fault for dating the popular jock. Everyone was always shocked he was with me instead of Luna. Though besides being a jock—and an asshole at the end—he treated me well. He had a hidden side that only I saw. It’s been a year since we broke up, and I know he moved on, but I always thought maybe he would try to get back with me. Maybe realize he was a complete ass, and want forgiveness.

Guess I was wrong, but it works out since I’m apparently supposed to marry one of these guys if I ever want to inherit my family’s estate. It’s better that I’m single. I’ve only met two so far, and out of them, I think Jax is the one I should set my sights on. Wells, I've yet to meet. Probably tomorrow, or I guess today.

I roll over and grab my pillow to cuddle it close, closing my eyes and praying for sleep. My dreams are the only time I get to see my family, but those are getting fewer and fewer these days.

I open my eyes once more. Sleep just isn’t happening. Huffing, I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling. I should put some glow in the dark stars up there; I know it's totally juvenile but it reminds me of Luna. She always loved the stars.

Giving up on sleep, I throw the blanket off me and get out of bed. I slip on my robe before quietly opening my door, peeking my head out.

The coast is clear. Letting out a breath in relief, I tiptoe to the kitchen. Thankfully, they have a stocked pantry, and everything I need to bake some muffins. What a better way to start fresh than over homemade blueberry walnut muffins and coffee?

I pull out the ingredients and freeze. What if one of them has a nut allergy? I don’t want to send anyone to the hospital.

A lightbulb goes off in my brain—I can check the dossier. I quietly rush back to my room and grab the leather folder out from under my bed.Jax—I can’t bring myself to call him Arrow yet—has no allergies. Okay, one down. Donovan is allergic to shellfish, and Wells also has no allergies. Whew. Operation Muffin is back on. I shove the folder back in its hiding spot, and move to the kitchen.

I pull out the second tray of muffins, and turn to make myself a cup of coffee when I feel a presence behind me. I spin around to say good morning and freeze.

Standing in front of me, shirtless with low-slung gray sweatpants, has to be the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. Tall, tattooed, hair as black as a raven, and cinnamon eyes.

What is in the water here?

He gives me a cocky grin, knowing I’m checking him out, as he does the same to me. Shoot! I’m in a silk robe, and not wearing a bra. I cross my arms over my chest, and his eyes dilate, flashing with heat. Yeah, that didn't help matters—all it did was push them higher.

“Um, good morning,” I say nervously, as he moves into my space. Whoa. I back up to give us some separation, but he keeps moving closer to me until I’m pinned between his chest and the counter. Leaning down, he sniffs my hair before running his nose down to my neck.

“What are you—” Before I can finish, he grabs me around the waist and lifts me up on the countertop, moving in between my thighs.

I’m stunned.What is happening right now?

He wraps my hair around his wrist, and yanks my head back before smashing his lips down on mine. I place my hands on his chest, trying to push him back, but instead find myself digging my nails into his chest. I'm frozen, not in fear but confusion. He presses harder, wanting me to reciprocate but why would I? I don't know him. I move my lips to speak and he takes it as an opening, swooping his tongue along my inner lip. Not fully entering—just enough to have a taste.

Sweat beads in between my breasts as a flush takes over. Growling, he steps away from me, leaving me panting and completely mystified.

Moving to the cupboard, he grabs a mug and pours himself a coffee.

“Ah, I’m Silver. I really hope you’re my roommate Wells?” I choke out, causing him to laugh.

“Sure am, Snow.”


“Do you always kiss strangers in your kitchen?” I ask while hopping down from the counter, and moving toward the muffins to continue putting them on a platter, making sure to keep my distance from him.

“Nope, I have to say you’re the first. But seeing you standing there in a silk robe, with your messy hair and flour on your cheek, I just had to have a taste to see if you were as delicious as the aroma that woke me.”

I can feel the blush rising on my cheeks. One of the downsides to having such fair skin is I can’t hide it. “That’s a very odd thing to do to someone you don’t know. I would appreciate it if you didn’t do that again, please.”

He snorts. “Not gonna happen, Snow.”

“Excuse me? What do you mean, not going to happen?” I snap back, but he cuts me off.

“Now that I’ve had a taste... You just became my new addiction.” He grabs the entire platter of muffins and his mug, and walks off.

I watch him go, completely confused and a little turned on. Slumping against the counter, I sigh. Great. My choices so far are the asshole, the psycho and Jax. I really hope Jax is a better contender.