I take a bite of the warm blueberry muffin and groan obscenely. Chuckles sound behind me and I flip Donovan off over my shoulder.

“Don’t even, man. Have you tried these? They’re like coming home after being away for years. I haven't had a homemade muffin in forever.”

He moves closer and snatches the muffin from my hand, shoving it in his mouth before leaning over and kissing my cheek. Asshole.

“Really, man? There’s a plateful right there on the table,” I whine, wiping my cheek.

“Yeah, but you made such a case for this particular muffin, so I had to try it. You're right, these are killer. I guess she can stay if she keeps baking like this,” he says through a mouthful of muffin, making me cringe.Nasty.

Arrow comes into the room next, with a plate full of bacon and a mug of coffee.

“Wait, she made bacon?” I inch over to his plate and snatch a piece.

He laughs, before moving the plate away. “Maybe if you weren't introducing her to your tongue, you would have noticed,” he snarks.

I raise my eyebrows at his tone.Is he jealous?“You saw that? Not going to give excuses. I couldn’t help it, and I don’t regret it.” I shrug.

“Can’t blame you, man. I felt a pull to her myself, but I think I’ll try a different tactic than you.” Arrow stares off toward the kitchen, with a small smile on his lips.

Donovan snorts beside me. “You guys can have her. I'm done with spoiled witches. Think I may switch to warlocks for a bit. So over the drama,” he huffs before stealing another muffin from my hand.

“Bro, come on. I just grabbed that one! You literally have a dozen muffins next to you.” He shrugs, then takes my mug of coffee and walks into the other room, away from where Silver is.

I turn to Arrow. “Seriously! What is his problem this morning?” I demand.

Just then, we hear Silver panicking in the kitchen.

“Oh, okay. Yes, I’m so sorry. I’ll be there soon. Okay, bye,” Silver says loudly, then curses like a sailor. Holy shit—where did that come from? She seems so sweet and innocent, but the words leaving her lips right now are enough to make even me blush.

“Whoa, who pissed off Silver?” Arrow asks. My thoughts exactly. I shake my head in an ‘I don't know’ gesture.

He closes his eyes and concentrates for a minute, before cracking up. “Oh, this I need to see,” he mutters, heading toward the kitchen.

Now I’m intrigued. I sense tension and panic coming from the kitchen. Why is she so nervous? I follow him, making a pit stop to grab another mug of coffee.

I’ve always loved being in the kitchen, ever since I was little. I lean back against the counter and picture a time back when things were simple.

“That’s great, honey. Just remember to knead with your knuckles to get all the air bubbles out. Watch me.”

I watch my gran as she starts to flatten out the dough for our pizza night. I love when my mom drops me here for the weekend. Gets me away from the creepy people always popping by ‘to check on me,’ whatever that means.

She places the dough on a baking sheet and dusts her hands off, looking over at me with a smile. “That should do it.”

“I love your pizza, Gran. Mom always does frozen or takeout.” I grimace, and she laughs.

“I tried baby, but your mom just never liked being in the kitchen.”

“Well, I do Gran. And one day when I have kids, I’ll teach them just like you teach me.” I give her a big grin.

She reaches over and gives me a big hug. “I know you will baby, and who knows? Maybe you will find a wife who likes to cook as much as you.”

I gag at that thought. “Girls are gross, Gran.”

She just chuckles and places the pizza in the oven. “You may think that now honey, but one day, mark my words—someone will come along and knock you off your feet.”

I scoff and cross my arms. “Well, that's not very nice. Why would I want to be with someone like that?”

“Oh Wellson! You bring an old woman such joy,” she says cheerfully, before covering my face in messy kisses.

I smile, thinking back to all the weekends cooking with her. I miss those days. I finish off my coffee, and steal a few pieces of bacon, groaning at the maple bourbon glaze on them.Damn, I think I may marry this girl.

A commotion down the hall reminds me of what Arrow said. I place my mug in the sink, and follow the noise.