Passing the path of the girls’ dorm, I see Winnie—a prime example of drama—and a few others standing in a circle, holding hands. I just shake my head. They are playing with fire if any of the nons—the non-magic students—see them; they could cause a whole heap of trouble for us. And we’re so close. So close to finally completing our star.

Coming up on our little cottage, I slow and move behind it to the hidden garage we have. I secure my bike, and set the alarm. Everyone knows not to mess with my bike, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

I open the back door—which leads to a mudroom of sorts—and take off my boots, placing them in the cubbies that Wells is so OCD about. After hanging up my coat, I move into the kitchen, and grab a bottle of juice from the fridge.

Glancing at the clock, I see I have just shy of an hour before I need to meet the other guys in our secret chamber, hidden underneath where I’m standing. We have two entrances. One uses a secret lever in our fireplace, and the other is through Don’s closet. Since Silver is still in the dark, I move toward Don’s room.

As I go to knock, the door to the bathroom swings open. Wow. A goddess in a thin white nightdress is standing in the doorway, her long dark hair curling over her chest. With the moonlight behind her, she looks sinful. Rubbing her eyes, she doesn't notice me right away, but when she does, she jumps a little.

“Oh, hi. You startled me.” She giggles nervously, and I can’t help but chuckle myself. I leave Donovan's door and move closer to her, extending my hand.

“Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to stare but you are just exquisite. I’m Jax, by the way, but you can call me Arrow if you want. Everyone does.”

She takes my hand but doesn't shake it, just holds it and stares into my eyes. I’m mesmerized. Her eyes aren't just silver—they’re almost metallic.

She blinks, pulling me out of my trance. “I’m Silver, your new roommate. It’s nice to meet you, Jax,” she whispers in a soft tone, then releases my hand, turning back to head to her room and shutting the door.

I stand there a few moments, trying to remember what I was supposed to be doing, before Wells pops his head out of Don’s room.

“Psst. Arrow! Come on, man. Get away from her door!” he whisper-shouts at me.

Oh right, we have a meeting to get to. I shake the cobwebs from my mind and follow after my brother.

Silver Forest is dangerous all right... The bad thing is, she doesn’t know just how dangerous.

But she soon will.