Page 103 of The Forest Witch Lies

He snorts and gives me a look. “How are we going to convince her to do a spell? At least she’s stopped asking about the secret tunnels for now.”

I think for a moment and slip my cufflinks on, grimacing at the family crest on each. I shrug and move towards the door. “I’m not sure yet, but I’ll think of something.” I open the door and glance at the time. “We need to leave soon, or my father will curse us.”

We walk out to the hall and knock on her door. Giggles sound from inside and I roll my eyes. The door swings open, and a cloud of hairspray and perfume punches me in the face.

Wow.Even though my eyes are watering, I can’t take my gaze from my Princess. She’s wearing a cream satin dress that dips low, almost to her belly button, with lace sleeves. She has her hair down in big bouncy curls and is applying some blood red lipstick that makes my dick twitch. She spins to move to me but I’m already three steps ahead of her. I grab her tiny waist in my hands and pull her closer.

“You look incredible, Princess. A vision in cream and lace.” I bend to kiss behind her ear and she gasps as my lips touch her skin. “But you're missing one thing.” I reach over to Arrow as he opens the box holding the surprise I bought for Silver. I lift out the jewel-encrusted tiara and she shakes her head no.

“You don’t think it’s too much?” she asks, looking nervous. Her silver eyes are especially bright, lined with dark eye makeup. The dress is tight and her breasts look incredible. I find my gaze falling to them, as every rise and fall of her chest pushes her cleavage closer together.

A throat clears from behind me and Arrow moves in and kisses her cheek. “You look beautiful Silver, but we need to get going.” Always the one to keep us on track.

Silver looks at me nervously, still waiting for me to answer her.

“You could wear a T-shirt and jeans and still outshine everyone, Princess.” I place the tiara on to her head.

Rolling her eyes, she snarks, “That was hella corny, Donnie.” She leans up, gently pressing her lips to mine, careful not to smudge her lipstick. “But I’ll take it. I’m so nervous about meeting your family.”

I groan. “I wish we could ignore them, everyone except Liza.”

She gives me a look of pity, but I can also see the hurt in her eyes. I know she wishes her own family was still around. She’s told me before to be grateful that mine are still here, but she really doesn’t know how evil they are.

Someone claps and I look behind me. Jade and Clara are standing there with different expressions. I almost forgot they were there. Jade looks playful, like she knows something I don’t, but Clara looks worried. Silver’s phone rings and she walks from the room, answering it as she goes.

Clara comes up to me and places a silencing spell on the room. “Don’t get too attached, Don. I know you’re falling for Silver, but you know about the prophecy. She can never truly be yours.”

I give her a nod but internally, I’m rolling my eyes. Silver may be destined to be the center of the Star, but she can still be mine, ours, for as long as we get to have her. Clara’s right—I have fallen in love with her. I wish I could take her and my brothers, and just disappear.

“Is everything okay?” I ask once we meet her in the kitchen.

She gently wipes under her eyes and nods. “Yes, just talking to my Auntie Anita. I sent her a photo earlier and she called to tell me how beautiful I look. It was nice. I miss her,” she finishes in a whisper.

I move behind her and wrap her tight in my arms. I rest my chin on her shoulder and just breathe her in. She smells like blackberries and vanilla; I want to lick her all over. Maybe later.

“Okay, seriously guys. We need to go—the limo is here. Clara and Jade, if you’re riding with us, we leave right now!” Arrow shouts from the hall. The girls come tittering down the hall in their heels and I can’t help but wonder if they’ve been sipping something while getting ready.

"Wait, we need to put our masks on!" Jade screams. Yup, definitely drunk. Tonight is going to begreat. I pull my plain black mask from my pocket and slip it on, watching as Silver’s eyes darken with lust. She gives me a wink then turns back to her room. She returns with a delicate silver filigree mask, complete with a cream ribbon to match her dress. She hands it to me, before turning away to give me her back. "Can you help me?"

Sliding her hair to the side, baring her shoulder to my lips, I step forward and kiss her neck, before giving her a little nip. She moans softly and I sigh. We don't have time. I quickly tie her mask then take her hand, leading her outside.

We hop into the limo and Silver squeals, sticking her head out the roof.

“What in the world are you doing?” I ask her, completely appalled. She pulls her head back inside and my breath catches at the enormous grin on her face. Excitement is shining in her eyes. She sticks out her tongue at me, then pops her head back through the roof. I just watch in amazement, shaking my head. I look over at Arrow and he just shrugs, a small smile on his face.

Clara leans over and quietly tells me, “A lot of human teenagers like to stick their head out the roof and hoot and holler.” She laughs at my confusion and pats my knee.What is she, sixty or something? Only grandmothers and doctors pat knees.I arch my brow and she laughs again.

“You need to do this, Donnie,” Silver calls down to me, but Jade saves me from making an ass out of myself.

“Girl, you’re going to mess up your hair if you keep sticking it out in the wind!”

Silver frowns but plops down beside her with a sigh. “I’ve never been in a limo before. Luna had. We ordered one for prom but my boyfriend at the time wanted to drive his convertible.” She smiles sadly as she looks out the window. I watch her as my mind races; I don’t like seeing her unhappy.

“Have you heard from Win? Is she coming tonight?” Arrow asks quietly. I shake my head no. Come to think of it, I haven't heard anything about Winnie since the night Master whipped her. It’s bad enough my father’s going to be there, she better not start any drama too. I start grinding my teeth in annoyance and Arrow smacks me in the arm hard, pulling me from my thoughts. Well, if Winnie does try any shit, I won’t be afraid to knock her ass out with an incantation. There are plenty of storage closets near the ballroom I could hide her body in.

I glance over at Silver and she has her head thrown back laughing at something Clara has said.Beautiful.She always has been, but tonight, dressed to the nines and wearing my jewels, she's exquisite. I wonder if I can get her to let me fuck her in a coat room just wearing her heels and tiara. My dick hardens at the thought and I discreetly adjust myself.

We pull up to the venue and I move over to Silver’s side.