Page 104 of The Forest Witch Lies

“Are you ready, Princess?” I offer her my hand as the valet opens our door. I watch as her eyes widen in amazement.

“Wow, they really go all out, don’t they?” she whispers. I try to see what she sees through new eyes, but I’ve been going to these things since I could walk, so it’s hard. I guess to someone new it’d be extravagant. I shrug, giving her a small tug to follow. We can’t be late or my father will never let me hear the end of it.

“Remember to always stay near me or Arrow, Princess. I don’t trust the men here not to try and steal you away. You look good enough to eat,” I whisper in her ear. She shivers at the feel of my breath against her neck, making me smile. Turning, she presses her lips to mine.

“What are you doing, Princess?” I ask curiously as she runs her nails over the short hair there.

“I like your haircut Donnie, but I liked it when it was longer. When I could give it a little yank.”

She tries to give an example as she speaks but it’s too short. I nuzzle her neck before biting that soft spot between her neck and shoulder. Her legs turn wobbly and she whimpers, making me smile against her neck.

“Hey Don, I think we should move inside. People are starting to stare.”

I pull my head back and glance at Arrow over her shoulder. He gives me a wink, I pull back from Silver, offering her my arm. “Are you ready, Princess?” She gives me a beaming smile and a nod.

We walk inside and I hear her gasp. I see they went with a gothic theme this year.

Black crystal chandeliers hang from the high ceilings. Dark red satin cloth drapes across the walls, concealing couches and probably an orgy or two. Classy as usual.

I immediately spot my father heading our way. Of course he would be arrogant enough not to wear a mask during a masquerade ball.

“You're late, Donovan!” he snarks before catching Silver’s eye and turning his smarmy car salesman act on her. He’s so fucking fake.

“That would be my fault. I'm sorry, Sir. You must be Donovan's father. I’m Silver Forest,” she says, batting her eyelids innocently. I cover my mouth and cough, trying to hide my smile.

“Oh my dear, it’s quite alright. I am so happy to finally meet you. Everytime I invite you for dinner, my son says that you have plans.” My father gives me an odd look, while Silver playfully smacks my chest and giggles.

“Oh Donnie, what will I do with you?”

I look down at her and smile, then wrap my arm around her shoulder. My father scoffs and gives me a dirty glare. I know I’ll be hearing about this later, but right now, I really don’t care.

“Well, the next time you expect us for dinner, please feel free to contact me. Now if you will excuse us, I would like to dance with my date.” Silver grabs my hand, not waiting for a response.

I laugh loudly once we’re a safe distance away. “That was great. You were ultra polite and yet so rude at the same time. How do you do that?”

She shrugs. “It’s a gift, but he gave me creepy vibes. I don't even want to meet your stepmother if she’s anything like him.”

I pull her into my arms and press a soft kiss to her lips. “She’s like a docile, obedient doll. In all reality, she’s pretty much harmless.”

She cuts me off with another kiss to my lips. “Dance with me, Donnie. Then lead me to that buffet so I can gorge on cheesecake.” She gives me a wink and I let her pull me to the dance floor. Rare by Selena Gomez is playing. I’ve never been a fan of her music but listening to the lyrics as I sway with Silver in my arms, I can’t help but think how perfectly it fits this girl. She is rare. She doesn’t know how much yet, but soon she will, and I may lose her for good.

We dance for a few more songs, then I lead her toward the cheesecake.

“Hey Princess, how about I show you one of those hidden tunnels?” I ask, stealing a bite of her dessert while she’s distracted. She’s been dying to explore those tunnels. This may be the way to trick her into a ‘fun spell’ that helps us locate Wells.

“I am so in, but I need to change out of this dress first,” she says, removing her shoes and rubbing her feet. I frown. I don't want her to change—I wanted to rip that off her myself when we got home.

I spin her toward me and she slams into my chest. She places her palms on my pecs and I get lost in her eyes. The silver of her mask makes her eyes even more enchanting.

"May I cut in?" someone asks from behind. I glance up to see a man standing there wearing a devil's mask.

Silver pulls back to look at who's talking and smiles. "Luke! I thought you weren't coming tonight?" She gives him a small hug, and I see the fight within him to let her go.

"I decided to swing by, but won't be staying long. Before I go, can I talk to you? Maybe over a quick dance?"

She bites her lip, considering, before shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Luke. We're actually leaving. Another time?"

I watch as his face falls, but always the gentleman, he nods and walks away, shoulders slumping. Silver watches him go.