Page 100 of The Forest Witch Lies

“Don’t worry about it. What kind of dreams?” he asks, looking at me closely. He takes a sip of his own coffee and I can’t pull my eyes from watching him swallow.

“Huh? Oh, crazily enough, they’re about Wells. He’s chained up in someone's cellar. I think. I don't know, just dreams.” I give a shrug.

“That sounds interesting. Can you tell me more? This is right up my alley. Maybe I can use it for my English assignment.” Jax is leaning towards me with a look of fierce concentration.

English assignment? I thought their classes hadn't started yet?

I yawn, covering my mouth, and shrug. “Okay well, there are these people surrounding him in dark purple or maybe midnight blue robes. He's chained in an X position, his arms and legs spread.” I pause and show him what I mean. Shutting my eyes again, I think, trying to remember what else. “There’s a person on a throne made of skulls behind him, just observing. That's when I always wake up—the chill of the room and the dead look in that guy's eyes scare me awake.” I suppress a shiver while standing. Moving to the sink, I set my mug down; I'll rinse it later.

“Did Wells look to be alive? Was he awake or unconscious?” Donnie snaps, making me jump.

I place my hand on my chest, breathing a bit faster. “Wow, you guys really need all the details, don’t you? It’s just a dream. I’ll probably have another tonight.”

Jax comes up beside me, wrapping me in a hug. “Yeah sorry, he’s a bit of a fiction buff, especially with supernatural stuff. We didn’t mean to frighten you.”

I relax into his embrace. “I wrote some things down in my journal—they were just too weird not to write about. Plus it's been the same thing every night for over a week now.” As I pull away to go get the journal, I see him give Donnie a weird look.

“What? Am I missing something?”

“No! No, nothing at all. Just surprised you’d be dreaming about Wells since you guys had that fight before he left, but I guess the fact that he's being chained up and tortured makes sense,” Jax snaps quickly, nervously.

“Ha ha, very funny. Trust me—from what I’ve seen, I wouldn't wish that on anyone, even my enemies.” I shudder then leave the room with whispers and mumbles behind me. They're acting so strange, and if I wasn’t so sleepy I would be more curious. I grab my journal and walk back into the kitchen, tossing it on the table to the guys.

“I’m going to try and take a nap,” I mutter over my shoulder. I leave the room once more and find solace in my comfy bed.


“What the hell was that?” Don roars before pacing the kitchen.

I shush him. “Calm down man, or she’ll hear. Just take some deep breaths. Let’s go down to the chambers. We can figure this out.”

He sighs and starts walking that way. Stopping at the fireplace, he checks the coast is clear, hits the brick in the back to open the hidden door, and starts descending the stone spiral stairs into the darkness.

“Ah, bro? Maybe some light would help me not bust my ass,” I point out.

He grumbles, then releases a puff of flames, lighting up the side alcoves. I pull the lever, shutting the door behind me and follow him down.

This is one of my favorite places to be. When we reach the bottom, I move to my designated spot—a worn, red velvet couch that I’ve sat on so often it has my ass imprints.

Don’s still extremely tense and looks about ready to explode, so I’m not surprised when he roars and lets out a stream of flames toward the extinguished fire pit in the center.

“Do you think he’s trying to communicate with her?” he demands, running his hand through his hair. It’s getting a bit long, but I’ve noticed that Silver likes to tug on it when he kisses her. I doubt he will be cutting it anytime soon.

When I don’t answer, he huffs and takes a seat on the wooden chest that holds our chalices and books. “He’s been gone for a week now. Which is exactly how long these dreams have been going on. Have you heard from him?” I shake my head no, but he doesn’t let me reply. “This isn’t like him, man... The last time he went off the grid he came back a mess.”

I remember that. When Wells’ Gran passed away, he lost control of his powers. Ended up flooding the town, and causing nightmares. Took us a week to track him down.

I stand and move closer to my best friend, who looks on the verge of a panic attack. “Calm down, Don. He’s probably just with an old hookup.”

That causes a laugh. “Yeah, with the way he’s been chasing Silver’s tail? I highly doubt he's hooking up with someone else. Plus he wouldn’t just leave—he knows how important this assignment is.”

He has a point there. I sigh and take my seat once again, taking a moment to think back to what Silver said. I flick through her journal. One thing stands out, making me freeze.

“The man on the throne of skulls... Why does that sound so familiar? And why is it giving me chills?”

“Fuck man, I don’t know, but something isn’t right here. You feel it, right?”

I nod yes and close my eyes, trying to remember, desperately wishing for a vision.Anythingthat could give us a clue about where our brother is.