She pauses for a moment then returns to her massage. “Really? Yeah, that's fine. I like Liza. She’s really sweet.”

I turn and push her against the cold shower wall and she yelps. “I do not want to be at the mall all day, Princess.”

She gives me a nod and a beaming smile, then jumps on me and kisses me hard. I grip her ass to prevent myself from slipping and kiss her back.

Yeah, I’m totally falling for this girl. Fuck!

We arrive at the mall and I’m already over this day. The whole ride, I listened to gossip about celebrities, gossip about classmates. Discussions about dress colors, shoes, makeup... Oh and after we get dresses, we’re getting mani-pedis.Kill me now!

I may be a grouch but actually, after seeing Silver light up and smile without her mask for the first time since Wells left, I’ll do anything to keep her happy. Even agree to get a pedicure.

I put my SUV in park and clap my hands. “Okay ladies, you have arrived.” I hold my hand out jokingly, as if I was asking for a tip, and Silver leans over and presses her lips to mine.

“Thank you Donnie,” she says sweetly and softly, just for my ears. I give her a nod and open my door, moving around to her side to open hers. I offer her my hand and she hops out with a big grin. Liza coughs and waits for me to open her door as well. I roll my eyes but do it. She hops down and holds my cheek, standing on her tiptoes and looking into my eyes.

“You’re a good man, Donovan Blake. Mom would be proud,” she whispers. I blink the emotion back from my eyes while she heads toward the door. Silver and Jade are already fifteen paces in front of us.Damn women, so impatient.

“She’s good for you. I never thought you would find someone who could handle your asshole ways,” Clara says, coming up to walk beside Liza, who bursts out laughing. We all grew up together so Clara’s more of a big sister than a teacher. Not that we’ll be in any of her classes.

I roll my eyes and stomp off.

I reach Silver in front of a dress shop, waiting for me. She turns and gives me a once-over. Her metallic eyes shimmer.

“What’s wrong Princess?” I ask instantly, on alert for threats.

She shakes her head and sighs. “Will it ever get easier, Donnie? Like today, we’re here to buy dresses and all I can think of is that the last time I went dress shopping, Luna was there.”

I pull her into a hug and rub my hand up her back soothingly. “One day things will become easier. The pain will fade, but you’ll always remember them. They always stay in your heart,” I whisper softly. She pulls back and wipes her eyes, then gives me a kiss on the cheek. I nod and clear my throat.

Together, we enter the monstrosity before us. So much tulle, lace, and women tittering around. I find a seating area—probably for men—and plop down.

“I’m staying right here,” I state and the girls laugh.

Jade takes Silver’s hand and drags her to the big poofy gowns. She looks back at me with horror on her face. I give her a wink and lean back.Yeah, I’ll definitely stay right here.

We stay at the mall for hours. She won’t show me her dress, saying it's a surprise.

I sit through a pedicure and more gossip. I am so over this fucking day, but I will admit the pedicure wasn’t half bad. Silver found it hilarious and I know she sneaked some photos.

All in all, it was a good day. I’ve never heard her laugh as much as she did.

I hope we can keep her happy and not dim her fire.

We walk in the front door and Arrow’s sitting at the table on his laptop. As soon as he spots Silver, he closes it down.Way to play it cool, bro. I give him a glare, but Silver doesn’t seem to notice. She’d fallen asleep on the way home. This not sleeping well thing is really getting to her.

She brings her bags to her room, then comes back out to give me a big kiss. I grip the back of her neck, pulling her closer, and dominating her mouth. She whimpers and Arrow coughs. I release her and she places her head on my chest trying to catch her breath.

“Thank you for today, Donnie. I really needed it.” I give her one more quick kiss and she turns to head to her room. I can’t resist smacking her ass on the way. She giggles then rushes quicker, slamming her door. I shake my head, but can’t prevent the massive grin on my face.Little brat!


“Coffee…” I moan, rolling from the bed and making my way to the kitchen. I am so dead on my feet.Coffee. Must have coffee.Not paying attention, I grab a mug and chug the bitter amazingness that it is.

“Whoa, what’s going on? You look awful,” one of the guys says.

I haven't opened my eyes yet to see who. It’s hard to get them open. I fight and eventually win to see Jax and Donnie both sitting at the table, looking at me with worry and concern. Well, Jax is. Donnie looks like someone peed in his Cheerios. So normal, then. He looks normal.

I walk over and take the empty chair, and sigh. “I keep having these crazy dreams. I haven't been able to sleep well. They keep waking me up at night.” I pick up my mug and take another sip, before reaching over and stealing Donnie's toast. I take a bite and freeze, realizing what I did. “Sorry, I really am exhausted. I’ll make you some more.” I sit back and keep eating.