“Silver, I need you,” he whispers over the crowd. They’re excited, celebrating something while he hangs there weak, almost lifeless.

Someone kneels in front of the throne and I get my first clue that this Master is a man.

“You know you never need to kneel for me, Iccah. Stand and join the party. Soon we will have our vengeance.”

Everyone cheers loudly, but the sound becomes hazy as I drift back to consciousness.

I roll over and jot my dream down in my journal. It's the same dream every night but it’s getting more detailed, more confusing. I feel as if it’s important though...

I lay back down and close my eyes. I have three more hours before I need to be up for classes. It’s harder for me to sleep these days since Wells left, and Luc is no longer around.

My bed feels empty, much like my heart.

My phone alarm wakes me and I groan, rubbing my eyes, before sitting up. I glance down to see more black strands on my pillow.What is happening?I wrap them around my finger and toss them in my waste basket before making my way to the bathroom to shower.

The door is cracked open so I push it the rest of the way, then freeze. Jax is standing there under the hot spray, moving his hand up and down his impressive length, his head thrown back in ecstasy. I know I should back out and leave him to it, but after the other day with him teasing me—he always teases me—I think I'm going to be bold.

I quietly close the door and lock it before removing my nightshirt and panties, dropping them in a pile by the sink. I slowly move closer to the glass door, knowing as soon as I open it, he’ll know I'm here, the surprise will be blown. Holding my breath, I open the door, slip inside quickly and quietly shut it. I wait for a moment, seeing if he knows I’m here but he seems to be in a world of his own.

His hand speeds up and I know if I don't do something soon, it’s going to be over. I step closer and press my chest to his slick back and reach around, grabbing his hand with mine, slowing down his pace. He freezes and moans loudly. I kiss up his shoulder blades, adding more pressure to my fist.

“Silver, you really shouldn’t be in here,” he growls, leaning back, pressing our bodies harder together.

Seriously, what is his problem?He's so hot and cold.

I stop and he spins, taking my mouth hard, pushing me against the tiled wall, before pulling back and resting his forehead on mine.

“We really can’t do this. No matter how badly I want to,” he sighs, closing his eyes after seeing the disappointment in mine reflect back at him. Stepping away, he rinses the soap from his lower half and gets out—leaving me hurt, confused, and so turned on.

What is wrong with me?I have two hot guys who want me, so why on earth do I crave Jax just as badly? Not that I’ve seen one of the two for a few days, and the other only likes to dominate me.

I lean back in the water, quickly washing my hair. I turn the water off, climbing out. I wrap a towel around myself and make my way back to my room.

My phone buzzes and I see a message from Luke. Jax gave him my number a few days ago and since then, I can’t go a few hours without hearing from him.

Luke: Classes cancelled today. Can we please talk?

I’ve been avoiding him outside of class. I know he wants to discuss what happened, but after the way Wells reacted, every time I think of our amazing kiss, it’s now tainted. It makes me feel nauseous.

I know I did nothing wrong. Donnie and Jax have both said that I didn’t do anything wrong—we’re not exclusive.

I drop my phone and crack open Elena’s journal. I am almost at the end. Lately, all it’s been is whining and complaining. My phone buzzes again but I ignore it.

Lucian has gone crazy. I have told him that I think we should stop seeing each other. Move on with our lives, but he won’t listen. I see him everywhere I turn. That nice boy Peter I would spend time with on occasion is missing. Robert is so concerned. I worry Lucian may have done something to Peter.

I came home the other night with my clothes thrown everywhere. I’m not sure what he was looking for but thankfully he didn’t find this journal. Every word I say starts an argument. It’s time I leave. I was going to ask Peter for help, but since he’s disappeared, maybe Robert will. I just need someone to arrange transportation for me. I can return home to my father’s estate. It will be lonely there, but it’s lonely here as well.

I close the book and pick up my phone.

Silver: I don’t think that's a good idea right now. I’m sorry, Luke.

I shut my phone off so I can’t see his response, and open the journal once more. I skim over some more ‘poor me’ entries, but stop when my eye catches a certain sentence.

My hair is turning dark. I’m not sure if it’s stress or the hormones. But every morning, I wake to black strands on my pillow. Why this is happening, I don’t know. My mother had the same dark red hair as mine until the day she passed.