He thrusts again through our clothes. “Does this feel wrong, Silver? I have felt a pull to you since that day in the coffee shop. Tell me you don’t feel it too?”

I can’t tell him, but I also can’t deny it.

“I don’t know what I feel. But I can’t hurt my guys.” I pull back from him, but he won’t let me go.

“Are you exclusive?” he says before kissing me once more.What is with this connection? I'm on the edge of giving in, but I can't do that to my guys.

I shake my head no, because not once have any of us talked about being exclusive. I guess we need to. I press my forehead to his and gaze into his golden eyes.

He sighs and puts me down gently. “I can’t seem to stay professional when you’re around. I know what you’re trying to say and I know that you’re right, but I haven’t felt this way about someone in a very, very long time,” he murmurs, looking off into the woods. “Go home Silver, but just know I’m not giving up.”

I hesitantly take a step closer and reach up to kiss his cheek, then turn and walk away.

I need to talk to my guys. I don’t know what’s going on between us lately, but they need to know about how I’ve been feeling toward Luke.

I walk back home, confused and upset. I still haven't found my cat. I open the door and close it behind me with a sigh. Resting my forehead against the wood, I pause and think.Where else could he be?

“Well, if it isn't Peter Pettigrew,” Wells mutters from behind me, making me jump and spin around. I can’t see him, though there’s a flash of movement in the corner of the kitchen.

Why is he sitting in the dark? Wait! What did he just call me?

“You mean from Harry Potter?” I ask, confused. He snorts, getting up from the table and walking my way, muttering something before grabbing me by the throat and slamming me hard into the wall.

The wind is knocked out of me and my eyes fill with tears.What the hell is happening?

Donovan comes into the room and freezes. “What's going on here?” he asks with a grin on his face. He probably thinks this is a kinky sex thing, but from the look on Wellson’s face, I don’t think he’s playing around.

“Just confronting the little traitor—this liar who weasled her way into my heart,” Wells says in a broken voice, before tossing me to the ground.

I land on my ass and stay there, looking at him.

“What the hell are you talking about, Wells?” I demand, then my face drops in understanding.He found the requirements of my family's estate.

He laughs and gives me an evil grin. “Ah, I see you figured it out. Not even going to try and deny it?” he growls, moving closer to hover over me, intimidate me.

I’ll be honest, he’s kinda scaring me right now. I cross my arms over my chest and shake my head no, not lifting my eyes from the ground. “I didn’t think this would be as big a deal as you're making it. I never deceived you, Wells. Mr. Blackwell may have suggested—”

He cuts me off. “Mr. Blackwell?”

I look up at him, eyes shiny, and nod.

“Why the fuck would Mr. Blackwell suggest you hook up with your professor?” he snaps, getting down into my face.

Wait. What?

I slowly stand, shoving him out of the way. “What the hell are you talking about, Wellson Birch? I have not been hooking up with my professor.”Well, not until today.I stab a finger at his chest. “And if I was, tell me how it would be your business?” I take a step back and run my hand through my hair, then wave between us. “Not once have we made this exclusive. Fuck, I’m sleeping with your best friend, for crying out loud!”

I stop, panting, trying to calm myself down. That anger and fire are once again rising within me.

Wells gets closer to my face once more, eyes raging with heat and a hint of pain. “I was willing to share you withthem,Silver,” he roars. “They are my brothers, but no one else. You would think three men would be enough for you.” He steps back and laughs. “I should have known, based on how you like to control things in the bedroom, you're just a greedy little slut.”

My hand flies on its own, and lands hard across his face. The room goes silent.

I place my shaking hand over my mouth.I can't believe I hit him. I drop my head in shame. “Wells, I’m so—”

He laughs loudly. “Yeah save it, Silver.”

Silver, not Snow.