Afew days have passed since my date with Donnie, and the guys are acting so strange. I still haven’t seen Wells since that morning, and now Jax is avoiding me.Did I do something wrong?

I jump out of the shower and move toward my room. Luc wasn’t in my bed last night and I’m starting to worry. I planned on looking for him this morning. I was going to ask the guys, but they’re all in their rooms sleeping. I throw some shorts and a top on. It’s unusually warm for a November day, so I grab a hoodie from the closet then move to the kitchen.

“Hey, did you want some breakfast?” Donnie asks, coming up behind me.

I jump in fright, and shake my head. “I need to find Luc—I haven’t seen him in a few days. When I get back, I’ll make us something to nibble on.”

He gives me a big smile and pulls me into his arms for a big hug.Why is he acting so weird?

Kissing his cheek, I back away slowly to the door. I slip my shoes on, then head out to the garden.

I search high and low.Where is my cat?“Luc, here kitty, kitty, kitty.” I travel out to where we had our Halloween party, then to where I originally found my little monster. Nothing. My phone buzzes and I dig it out from my pocket.

Jade: Any luck?

I’d asked her to help, but she’s out of town for the weekend.

Silver: NO! I’ve been looking for over an hour now.

A branch snaps down the path and I take off like a rocket. “Kitty, Luc!” I holler. I turn to run around the large hedge and run smack into a sweaty, naked man, dropping my phone in shock.

“Oh my god!” I screech, then cover my eyes, giving him my back. “Professor, I am so sorry.”

A hand touches my shoulder, and he spins me to face him. I keep my eyes closed.Why is he naked?“Silver, you can open your eyes,” he says, amused.

I peek with one eye and see he’s wearing shorts. I step back, kneeling down to pick up my phone.So embarrassing.

“I’m sorry. I thought you were running around naked.”

He snorts and I blush even brighter.

“Why in the world would you think I was naked?”

I look up at him and wave my hand at his gleaming, toned, delicious chest.Silver, snap out of it.

“I didn’t see the shorts, just your naked chest.” I groan.

He laughs loudly and shakes his head. “You are too adorable,” he seems to mutter under his breath, before raising his voice. “I was jogging, as I usually do this time of day, but I heard someone screaming my name so I came to investigate.”

I groan and smack myself in the forehead. “I’ve been calling my cat,” I say quietly.

His eyebrows jump and he has a huge smile on his face. “You named your cat after me?”

I giggle and shake my head no. “Wellson named him Lucifer.” I take a step closer and can't help but tease him. “Tell me professor, are you the devil?”

He gulps and moves closer to me. “Maybe. You should be careful, Silver. You don’t know what kind of man I am.”

I bite my lip and he groans, moving closer to me, suddenly grabbing me by the back of the neck and pulling my lips to his. Fireworks, I swear I see fireworks. The tension and the connection I’ve been struggling to deny these past few months suddenly explodes.

I pull myself back, panting. “We can’t. I have three guys in my life I already have feelings for. Plus, you’re my teacher.”

He snarls and moves closer again, bringing my mouth back to his, not letting me move. I whimper and he nibbles on my bottom lip, making me gasp. He releases my neck and grips the back of my thighs hard, lifting me. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I grip his shoulders. I can feel how much this is affecting him, and throw my head back when he starts to move his hips, hitting that spot.

“We can’t do this. It’s so wrong,” I pant.