The wind blows, moving my hair all over the place. I push it back and look at him once more and nod.

Leaning closer, he brushes a strand of hair away from my lips, making me gasp. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers. He suddenly shakes his head as if lost in a memory and steps back. “I’m so sorry. That was highly inappropriate. You just remind me of someone... I’ll see you tomorrow in class. Have a good day.”

I go to respond but he takes off, practically running away. I watch him as he disappears.

I wonder what he wanted to ask me?

Choir was pretty uneventful. Thankfully, Winnie and Hazel weren't in attendance, but even Clara looked all out of sorts.Maybe she’s hungover too?

She had us sit quietly and do homework, or read. As practice finishes, I start to walk over to ask if she’s okay but she darts out of the room. Shrugging, I walk back to the cottage, finally looking at the ten messages from Wells and Jax.

As I reach the front door, I hear a small meow, and I stop, looking around.I am going to find out what that noise is.I run inside, dump my bag on the counter and head back outside, ready to search through the garden. I almost run straight into Donnie, who's coming back from a run.

“Whoa speedy, where are you going?” he asks, before grabbing my hips and giving me a quick, sweaty kiss. I don’t reciprocate and he pulls back, giving me a look.

“Is everything okay?”

I know what he’s asking. After last night, he’s worried I regret it. I place my hand on his cheek and give him a sweet kiss. The meowing noise sounds again, and I pull away, looking behind me.

“Sorry, I’m a bit distracted. I'll be back a little later, okay?”

I don’t give him time to reply before walking off. I need to find whatever’s making this noise before I go insane.

I search all through the garden, but nothing’s there. I move along a side path, leading toward a trail. I’ve not been this way before, but it seems to be maintained well.

I stop and close my eyes, listening to see if I can hear it again. Nothing. I sigh and turn back to the house when I hear a rustle. I rush toward an empty clearing and find Jax sitting in a lawn chair, his head in his hands. He looks upset. I take a step closer to check on him, but another meow sounds. I’m torn.I’ll check on him later, I decide.

I turn to leave, but he catches sight of me. Jumping from his chair, he jogs over.

“Silver, what are you doing?” he asks, following me down the trail into the woods. I don't answer right away, half-listening for another meow.

He grabs my elbow, stopping me. "Silver, what's wrong?" He crowds me and I pull away, irritated. The guys are being super clingy today. Wells has been up my butt. You would think something happened to make them so paranoid. I mean, I just woke up in the garden after falling asleep watching the stars. They didn't need to sound the alarm. I was perfectly safe.

Wasn't I?

I shake my head of the nagging feelings, and take another step back. I groan, running my hand through my hair.Ow. Why does my head hurt?

He’s watching me, waiting for a response. He looks distraught, which is weird.

“I swear, Jax, I’m going crazy. I keep hearing a cat's meow! Help me find it.” I turn and take off to where I thought I heard it, not caring whether he follows.

“A cat? What do you mean, a cat? Silver, wait. Can you just slow down?” he calls out. He’s asking me questions, but I’m on a mission. Catching up to me, he grabs my arm again, making me growl.

“Seriously Jax, I need to figure this out!” I snap and he lets me go.

He steps back, giving me space, and smirks. “And what’s your plan if we do find it? You know Wells is allergic, right?”

I pause and look at him, giving him an annoyed pout. “Lies, he isn’t allergic to cats. You guys have no allergies, except Donovan can’t have shellfish,” I retort brattily.

His eyes narrow in suspicion and I immediately lower my gaze to the ground.

Shit! I’m not supposed to know that...

I turn around and continue walking, hoping he doesn't question it.

“How? How do you know that?” he demands, reaching me in no time, and spinning me back to face him.

Fuck. I suck at lying.