Iwake to strong arms wrapped around me from behind and a cuddly koala wrapped around my waist. I reach down and run my hand through Wells' soft hair. He groans and nuzzles deeper into my tummy, his soft breaths tickling. It’s so comfortable, but I really need to pee. I wiggle a bit and Jax grunts from behind me.

“Babe, if you keep that up, we may have a repeat of the other morning,” he groans, shifting his hips closer and pressing his erection into my ass.

He thinks that's a threat? Ha, cute.

I wiggle again and his hand roams from my thigh up to my breast. He pinches my nipple and bites my shoulder at the same time. I squeak and Wells jumps up, almost falling off the bed.

He rubs his eyes, all confused. “Wha— What's wrong, Snow?”

I laugh.He’s so adorable.I remove Jax’s hand and sit up, giving Wells a kiss, before pulling back and groaning.

“As much as I like where this is heading, I need to pee, and for some reason I’m really sore today.” Jax moves off the bed, letting me climb out and I give him one more quick kiss, then dart to the bathroom. I turn the shower on and quickly wash, then head back to my room to dress in a T-shirt and shorts. The boys have disappeared, probably to get ready themselves.

I’m feeling lazy today and don’t bother doing my hair, preferring to just leave it hanging down my back. I run my fingers through it to give it a bit of volume, and notice some black strands fall out.Huh. That’s weird.

Running to the kitchen, I grab a banana, give Donnie a quick kiss, then jog to my Chemistry class.

Today has been a very long day, and I’m starving. I run through the line for Chinese food, and make my way outside. I plop down against the trunk of a huge tree, finding solace in the shade.

I take out Elena’s journal and run my hand over the worn leather. One hundred years ago, I wonder if she sat in a similar location, just jotting down all her hopes, dreams, and fears.

I wonder if she had to deal with three overbearing men in her life.

I crack it open and reread what Wells read aloud the other night, getting lost in her words once more.

Everyone says college is supposed to be an incredible time, but I can honestly say it is not. I tried discussing my feelings with Luc and he yelled at me. Told me I was being a little girl, and needed to grow up.

I'll have you know I have grown up a lot these past few months. This was supposed to be a time of exploration before getting married and becoming a mother. Instead, I am struggling to get out of bed some mornings, and frankly these days I don’t know if I ever want to do those things. I once saw my future as Luc’s wife, but not with the way he treats me these days. I just don’t know—my emotions are all over the place.

I wish I had someone to talk to. Peter was starting to become a friend, but with the way Luc is acting, I’m worried he may hurt him. I’ve distanced myself and I know it hurt. He’s such a sweet man. Kind and gentle. His friend Robert is a bit of a brute, but he was also nice to me when I would come around.

I will admit I scared myself the other day. I got so angry at Luc that I felt as if I was going to explode. I suddenly felt extremely hot—as if someone would burn if they were to touch me. But the truly scary part is that Luc was thrilled. He loved seeing my anger. It excited him. He grabbed me by the throat and kissed me hard. I’m sorry, but that just doesn't happen between us. The most he’d ever done before that was kiss my cheek.

My phone buzzes, and I carefully set the journal aside.Shit!I’m going to be late for choir. I carefully shove my stuff in my bag and start booking it to practice. I look down to check my phone, not paying attention, and run into a hard chest.

Ow. “I’m so sorry,” I say immediately, rubbing my nose. I look up and pause.

“It’s fine, Silver. I was actually coming to find you. Walk with me?” Luke says, offering me his arm. I look at it for a moment and he drops it back to his side, sighing. “Right. I’m your teacher,” he chuckles and steps beside me, turning so we can walk together.

We're silent for a moment, but surprisingly, it’s not uncomfortable. I open my mouth to speak just as he does, making us laugh. Once I’ve calmed, I try again.

“You wanted to talk to me?” I glance over and find his eyes fixed on me. I look back to the path ahead and hope he can’t see the blush rising on my cheeks.He’s your professor, Silver. You have three guys at home.I glance his way once more. He’s now smirking.Did I say that aloud?

I pick up my pace but he keeps steady with me.

“I just wanted to check in to see how you were feeling after yesterday,” he says and I scrunch my nose in confusion.

Did something happen yesterday? I think for a moment.I had amazing sex with Donnie. I doubt he’s talking about that. At least, I hope he’s not.

He must see my confusion because he stops walking, gently grabbing my elbow. “Yesterday morning, you almost passed out, so you stayed home. You missed class.”

I smack my forehead and groan. “Right! Sorry, my mind is a bit fuzzy.”

He looks me over with a hint of fire in his eyes and nods. “Silver. There was something I wanted to ask you. If it’s too personal, just tell me to mind my own business.”