Spying on the elders is probably a really bad idea, but I’m too far in at this point. Perfect cloaking spells are among my many talents, but I still need to be careful.

I’m just about to say fuck it. I’ve been crouching here for hours, when someone knocks on the door. Master swipes his hand and the door blows open.

“Master, Alara is on the phone with an update,” a cloaked woman says, before handing him the phone. He snatches it with annoyance, causing the woman to flinch. She bows, before scurrying from the room.

“Lara, you know I hate using these mobile phones. Why aren't you using your witch’s glass?” He listens to the response. His annoyance seems to continue until a smile slowly graces his face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Master smile before, and it’s fucking terrifying. Shivers run up and down my spine. It’s especially creepy since I can only see the bottom half of his face—no one knows what he truly looks like; he keeps his face cloaked, always.

“And how is Ms. Forest? Is she as incredible as they say? Ah I see... Well, that's disappointing. How about the suitors? Yes well, at least that's going to plan. Keep me updated, Lara.”

He hangs up, then hits his intercom. “Get Blackwell in here immediately.”

“Yes, Master,” a woman’s voice replies immediately. I glance at my phone and see two missed texts. One from Winnie, and the other from Wells. I ignore hers because she is just drama.

Wells: Just did a suds prank on the shampoo in the bathroom so make sure you counteract the spell if you use any

Arrow: Thx man

Wells: How’s it goin? When you coming home?

Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone walk in with a briefcase.

Arrow: So fuckin bored dude but something’s happening now. Later

I put my phone away and pay attention.

“Blackwell, thanks for coming. Just wanted an update on Silver. Lara’s planted the seed, so now we wait. How did she take the news of the boys? Do you think she will take the bait?” Master asks Matthews Blackwell, a known attorney for the coven and also, Winnie's father.

“It went better than I expected,” Blackwell answers, with a nervous quiver. “I told her not to tell them, just to let things happen naturally. However, having them live together is genius. We will just have to wait and see.”

Wait, they're talking aboutus? What does her living with us have to do with anything? Just who the hellisthis Silver Forest?

“She must ascend, Blackwell, before her twenty-first birthday. You better hope she follows the plan or he won’t be happy,” Master snaps, and Blackwell’s face pales.

“Yes, Master.” He bows, then exits almost as fast as the assistant did.

I watch Master for a few more minutes. All he’s doing is reading an old leather book, so I take that as my cue to leave.

I guess this recon mission wasn’t a total waste. I didn't get any answers, but now I know that this Silver Forest is not to be trusted.

I carefully get out of there without being spotted, and sigh with relief. Walking over to where I have my motorbike cloaked, I murmur the spell to reveal the ‘hidden’ under my breath, then wait.

That's one of my favorite spells. I love fucking with the guys and cloaking their things. Donovan still can’t find his phone; he went and bought a new one. Blamed it on Winnie. That shit was hilarious.

I climb onto my bike and start her up before taking off for the hour-long drive. I love this time of night—the road is empty and I can really let the throttle loose. This baby is my pride and joy. I worked my ass off to buy her. She’s an Indian Chief Dark Horse, with a gorgeous black on black paint job. It’s really quite fitting since I’m a bit of a dark horse. I remember the day I got her Wells tried to sneak out that night and take her for a ride. He should have known better—I’d spelled my bike from intruders. His hands were dyed purple for a month.

I get lost in the freedom, and soon enough I'm pulling up to the gates of Alistar Academy. I wave my hand, temporarily disarming the protection ward that covers the campus.

“Mumitar.” I mutter a spell to conceal the noise of my bike. It’s late, and I don't need the headmistress on my case again for disturbing the other students.

One of the perks of taking this assignment was that the council raised our status level. We’re no longer apprentices handling all the grunt work, like scrubbing the chambers after a sacrifice. Or having to bathe the Master’s pet snake.I hate snakes. We are now protectors and can pretty much do anything we want within reason. They took the limitations off our magic use and as long as we're watching over Silver, we can go anywhere we want.

Though we have to abide by the three important rules: Silver can not find out about magic until the appropriate hour, Silver must not find out about the curse or prophecy until the appropriate time, and finally, Silver cannot be late to her ascension. She must ascend on the eve of her twenty-first birthday—or tons of bad shit can happen, like floods, plagues etc.So yeah, no pressure.

At least there are three of us. I haven't met the girl yet, but Don made her out to be a lot of work. We may have this new important role now, but some people are not happy we were the ones chosen for the Star Coven. They like to tattle and cause as much drama as possible.