Posey:So is that a yes or a no?

I want him to explain.

Duke:No, I don’t think drinks is a date—drinks is a cop-out. More of a ‘feeling each other out’ than anything. And if I’m into a woman, I’m gonna ask her on a proper date, none of this wish-washy bullshit.

Duke sounds like my grandfather, bless his soul, with his old-fashioned views of modern dating.

Posey:I see.

Duke:Do you agree or not agree?

Is he wanting to make conversation about this? Or is he being polite—it’s impossible to decipher the tone via messenger. Guess I could walk across the hallway, knock on his door, and ask him?


Too personal.

I’m his landlady for two weeks, not his matchmaker, and he certainly has no designs on me in the romantic sense.

Not that I’d want him to be.

He’s younger than I am.

He’s way better looking than I am.

He’s famous.

He hangs out with celebrities, and I hang out with…

Granted, these are all assumptions.

And what do you tell your students about assumptions?

They are unfair.

Posey:I guess I agree. In a perfect world, men would ask me out in the “wild,” and I wouldn’t have to BE on a dating app—but that doesn’t happen. And in a perfect world, they wouldn’t beat around the bush and take days and days of chatting to finally say, “Wanna get coffee?” But this isn’t a perfect world, and most of them don’t.


Posey:They can’t all be confident football players like SOME PEOPLE we know.

Duke:Obviously, but it’s not like you can’t still be confident if you’re a bartender or an accountant.

I blink at that sentence. No truer statement has he ever made.

Posey:That’s a good point.

Duke:Do you think I only hang out with football players and athletes? No. My best buddies work on oil rigs and farm cattle. Not a single Sally among them—all of them think their shit don’t stink when it comes to the ladies.

Posey:Maybe it’s a Texas thing.

Duke:Or maybe these city boys just get too much pussy and don’t think they have to work for it.

He said pussy.

