But he’s only saying what everyone else is thinking—everyone being me.

Still, my face gets bright red, and I’m thankful he can’t see it through the walls. This entire conversation makes me feel foolish and immature. He hasn’t said it, but I’m letting these guys make me feel this way, even men like Brian, whom I’m already familiar with.

Maybe Brian grew up to be a fuck boy.

Only one way to find out and that’s to go out with him for drinks.

Once he commits to a night and time.

Ugh. This is what Duke is talking about.

Why am I waiting for some dude to make a move?

Posey:Can’t I make them work for it after the first date? I don’t even know these people.

Duke:Out of the gate, you teach them how to treat you.

He’s not wrong.

Posey:How do you know all this? LOL

Duke:I might be younger, but…I’ve seen a lot of shit.

Posey:What kind of shit?

Duke:Use your imagination, Josephine. There are women everywhere, and it takes a certain kind of dude to look the other way. I’ve watched a lot of my colleagues fuck up their home life for a quick fuck in a hotel room with a random he’ll never see again.

I’m glad he’s not sugarcoating it.

The three dots in the dating app messenger light up again, and I know there’s more coming.

Duke:I didn’t mean to be so harsh.

On the contrary, I’m glad he’s keeping it real. Seems no one does these days.

Posey:No, no—I like the honesty. This is what I love about my classroom, lol—the kids are all honest to a fault. Nothing like a room full of six-year-olds to keep it real.

I delete that last sentence and just send,

Posey:No, no—I like the honesty. Keep it coming.

Duke doesn’t give a crap about my job, or the kids, or what it’s like having a six-year-old boy ask if you have a hangover because you forgot to curl your hair in the back.

Duke:Most women can’t handle the truth.

Posey:I’m sure that’s not true. Usually, it’s the other way around.

Duke:You don’t think men can handle the truth?

Posey:Um. No?

Duke:LOL you’ll have to be more specific than that.

Posey:All I’m saying is, I don’t think men take hard truths easily. Like if I tell someone I’m not interested, it’s dramatic.

Duke:Josephine. When is the last time you told a man you weren’t interested?

I mean, never? But still. He doesn’t have to say it like he knows I’ve never told someone I’m not interested.