Page 28 of Bradley

“I’m good. Did you get any sleep? You look like you have done a lot here already.”

“I got here about an hour ago. I woke up around five-thirty and hopped right out of bed, excited by all that we did yesterday.”

“Five-thirty? And you had the energy to hop out of bed?” I chuckled. “I dragged my ass out of bed at quarter to seven.”

“When I crash, I crash. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow, and I didn’t even move all night.” She put her mask back in place and started sweeping again. “I’m one of those people that as soon as my eyes open, I am wide awake and ready to get moving. I can’t lie in bed and lounge around.”

Another difference her and Cheryl had with one another. “What would you like me to do?”

“Did you eat?”


“Want to run down to the coffee shop and grab breakfast and coffee? I only had one small cup; I could use another.”

“Sure, I’ll go down to Coral’s. What would you like?”

“What’s good there? I have had their coffee, but nothing else besides a cookie.”

“Coral makes delicious breakfast sandwiches.”

“Okay, I’ll take one.”

“Bagel, toast, English muffin, or croissant?”

“Oh, croissants, huh? I’ll take one of those.”

“What kind of meat? Sausage, bacon, Canadian bacon, scrapple, or Spam?”

She scrunched up her face so much I could tell even though she was wearing a mask. “Surprise me with anything other than scrapple—or Spam. Those are just gross.”

“What do you have against those?”

“Scrapple is made from all the yucky parts that don’t fit into anything else, and it smells horrible, and I’m just not a fan of Spam.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing.”

She eyed me sternly. “I’ll take your word for it.”



“Alright. What do you want in your coffee?”

“Black, and just pick up some sugar packets. If they have raw sugar, I’ll take that.”

“Anything else?”

“Yeah, pick me out a donut that has chocolate on it.”


“And do they have fruit cups?”

“Didn’t we have leftover fruit from last night?”

“Oh, yeah, we did, but I forgot to take it to Kayley’s, so it might be a little ripe from being in the cooler all night.” She dug around in her pocket and pulled out money as she came to stand in front of me, holding out thirty dollars.