Page 27 of Bradley

“That’s probably a good thing.”

“Or not,” I said, and then I yawned.

“We should probably call it a night.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” I glanced around, suddenly feeling exhausted. “Let me check upstairs to make sure all the lights are off, and then I’ll walk you out.”

He laughed. “How about you check for the lights, and then I walkyouout to your car?”

“Deal.” I hustled up the stairs, making sure lights were off, and windows were closed, and then I was back down a minute later. Brad had collected his tools and was waiting by the front door, the lights in the kitchen off.

“What time are you coming back tomorrow?”

“I will probably be here by seven, maybe eight at the latest since it’s so late tonight. I have a lot to do tomorrow, and Mr. Townsend asked if he could come back and check a few more things before he starts on Monday. I need to find an electrician to come in this week and look at the electricity. Once the pipes are replaced, and the wiring is redone, I can move in.”

“You need any help tomorrow? The kids won’t be home until around one.”

“Are you serious? You are willing to help me more?”

“I don’t have any other plans in the morning. What were you going to work on? I could repair the ceiling where we removed the wall.”

“You know what, Brad? I think you are my new best friend! I’d love for you to come by in the morning.”

We stepped down the stairs and walked toward the driveway. “Then I’ll see you in the morning.” He glanced at his watch. “How about seven-thirty?”

“Perfect,” I told him.

We stared at one another for a long moment, and before I could overthink it, I popped up on my toes and placed a quick kiss on his lips. “Night, Brad.”

“Good night, Nolan.”

I watched him walk to his truck, and as he got in, I saw the grin on his face in the light of the dome. It was very similar to the one I wore on my face.

Chapter Ten


Iwas afraid to admit it, but I liked Nolan. I loved her energy and her will to do just about anything. I always did have a thing for women who wanted to get dirty. Cheryl had been the opposite. She preferred to stay perfectly manicured and let me do all the dirty work. It was no wonder our marriage went to hell.

As I showered at home and climbed into bed, I pondered over the differences between the two women. Cheryl had been more like my sister Riley. She liked clothes and makeup. She preferred to go out and have fun with friends. Before we’d had kids, I would join her sometimes, but after they were born, I found myself more and more at home with them while she painted the town red.

I didn’t mind. I wasn’t into dancing and drinking until I couldn’t stand up straight. I preferred to stay with the kids, read them a story, or play a game. Then I read a book myself or watched a home improvement show to get design ideas.

It wasn’t that Cheryl was a bad mother. She was great with the kids when she was home. She just wanted more out of her life than to be a wife and mother, and that’s how she ended up meeting someone else.

I’d had a feeling for a while that she’d been seeing someone, but I didn’t want to admit it. She spent a lot of time texting someone and was quiet when I was around. She’d come home later and head right into the shower while I pretended to be asleep. When our sex life completely dried up, I was all but sure.

When I finally confronted her, she hadn’t denied it. She’d taken a deep breath and said that she had met someone else and that she cared for him. I had asked her if she wanted a divorce, and she’d lifted her chin and said yes.

Part of me had been crestfallen, but another part of me was glad that our marriage was going to be over, and most of the blame would fall on her. I didn’t look forward to admitting failure to my family, but at least I would have a chance in the future to find someone else to love and maybe have the family life that I had always dreamed of having.

The kind of family life that my siblings were all now enjoying.

At seven-thirty, I showed back up at Nolan’s place. I knocked but could hear music playing inside, so I let myself in and found her in the kitchen, singing and wiggling her hips as she swept up the mess from last night.


She jumped and spun. “I didn’t hear you come in. Good morning.” She pulled the mask off her face and grinned at me. “How are you today?”