Brad, thanks for helping. I look forward to getting to know you better. The offer still stands. Nolan
I read it three times, wondering if she meant that or if she just wanted to entice me for the free help. I guess only time would tell.
Chapter Seven
Cam left shortly after Brad, and Kayley and I got back to cleaning. We were working on the master bedroom floor. The two of us were down on our hands and knees, scrubbing and scraping at the residue left over from years of foot traffic and neglect. Already it was looking better, and I knew that once I had it stained and polished, it would be amazing.
“You and Brad hit it off pretty well,” Kayley commented as she used a sand block wedge on the floor.
“I guess we did.” I looked at her. “You could have warned me that he was as good-looking as he was.”
Kayley snorted. “He is my brother. I don’t think of him that way.”
“How could you not? I mean, all of your brothers are attractive men, but Brad is downright gorgeous.”
Kayley lifted her head to me. “You really think so?”
“Um, yes! When I walked in and saw him in my kitchen, I was tempted to keep taking my clothes off and attack him right then and there. I can’t remember the last time I had such a visceral reaction to a man.”
“Yeah, well, be careful, or you might scare him away. He’s pretty old-fashioned, and I know he hasn’t dated much since Cheryl died.”
“You said she had cancer?”
“Yeah, when they found it, it was stage four already. Not much that the doctors could do.”
“That sucks. I’m sure it’s been hard on him.”
“It has been, but it’s been like six years since she passed. Brad needs to move on.”
“You can’t rush that kind of thing, Kayley. I’m sure when he is ready, he will.” I gnawed on my bottom lip. “I kind of propositioned him. Is that bad?”
Her head snapped up, and she leaned back on her knees. “You what?”
“I told him if he was interested in having sex, I wouldn’t be against it.”
Kayley cackled out a laugh. “Oh, my god! Brad was probably ready to run screaming for the hills.”
“I don’t think so. He had the opportunity to walk away after I said it, but he didn’t. He did seem a bit uncomfortable, but he didn’t tell me no.”
“He has better manners.” She paused. “God, I hate to say this about my brother, but if you can get him in bed, go for it. The man hasn’t been with a woman in forever.”
“How do you know he hasn’t been with someone else?”
“Wes told me. Brad and Wes are close.”
I pondered something for a moment and then asked, “Would you be upset if I slept with your brother?”
She shook her head. “No. I think it would be good for him, and I told him that I thought you two would be good together.”
“Wait! I’m not talking about having a relationship. I was merely thinking of a good time in bed. It’s been a while for me too, not six years, but long enough.”
She shrugged. “Who knows. You two might enjoy having sex together so much that it becomes a relationship. That is kind of what happened with Cam and me. Originally, I was only interested in the pleasure of a younger man, but then he proved to be much more than I anticipated.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not looking for a husband. I just want someone to share some steamy nights with or someone who can help unwind the stress.”
“Whatever works for you, but Nolan, be careful with Brad. I’m afraid that if you two do sleep together, he might see it as more than it is. Make sure he knows exactly how you feel and that it’s a casual thing and not the start of a relationship.”