Page 19 of Bradley

“Okay, I can do that,” I told her.

After that, we moved the conversation on to other things, and it wasn’t until later that night when I was lying in the guest room at Kayley’s that I thought back over the conversation. I guess Kayley was right about being open and honest with him from the start. It would be the most intelligent way to handle things. I honestly didn’t want a relationship, but sex, oh, hell yeah! I was all about some sexy time in the bedroom.

* * *

On Saturday, the soccer teams had two games. I was the head coach on the girls’ team and assistant coach on the boys’. Even though I was assistant coach to them, I found that I did most of the coaching, as the head coach was preoccupied with his cellphone almost the entire game. Good job, Coach.

I didn’t mind, though. After the games, one we lost and one we won, I hit a few stores for things that I needed for my projects this week and then stopped by the grocery store for dinner. I didn’t dare use the stove. The appliance was so ancient that I’d be afraid to turn it on, but I was able to pick up a rotisserie chicken that could be eaten cold along with some side salads and fruit to pick at for dessert.

I had planned to run back to Kayley’s house to shower but found I was out of time. Brad had called me yesterday, and after a short conversation, we’d decided on four o’clock. I figured it would take us an hour to two hours to complete the kitchen remodel design, and then we could eat. Truth be told, I was more excited about seeing him than I was about redesigning my kitchen. It should have been the other way around, but I couldn’t help myself.

For the last few days, I’d had quite a few little fantasies about Brad and I having sex in different parts of my house. I was jumping the gun here. I might have this conversation with him, and it might totally turn him off.

I could only hope that it did the opposite.

I had just carried everything inside when I heard a truck in the driveway. Little butterflies took flight in my belly, and I found myself grinning like a schoolgirl at the prospect of an exciting evening.

I met him on the porch and let my eyes drift over his form-fitting t-shirt and denim-clad legs. The temptation to lick my lips was strong, but I behaved myself.

“Hey! Thanks for coming over. You have no idea how much I appreciate your help, Brad.”

He smiled, and the lines beside his eyes were more pronounced. Why were those lines so sexy to me? “My pleasure, Nolan.”

Oh, I’d like it to bemypleasure that made him smile, but I held that bit of information back.

“How was your day?” I asked him as he reached the porch.

“It’s been busy. I heard the girls won today.”

“They did.” I cocked my head. “How did you hear that?”

“Tonya was there watching a friend play.”

“Oh, I didn’t see her. I was focused on the kids. Why doesn’t she play?”

“She wanted to, but she was afraid that she wouldn’t be good enough.”

“That’s a shame. You only get better when you practice. Maybe I can talk to Tonya and get her to change her mind.”

He laughed as he took the steps up. “Yeah, good luck with that. She’s pretty hardheaded.”

“Who does she get that from, you or her mother?”

He smirked. “Maybe a little from both of us.”

I chuckled for a moment. “Well, come on in. Let’s get this party started. I’m excited to see what we can accomplish.”

“I think once you put it on paper, it’s going to be great. I was thinking a lot about you—um, your initial design ideas, and I think your concept is going to work well.”

I stopped and spun on him, grinning victoriously at him. “Oh, so you admit to thinking about me, huh?”

“Your kitchen design—I was thinking about your kitchen design.”

For a few seconds, we studied one another, and I saw the lie in his eyes. Maybe he didn’t want to think about me in a personal way, but he had been. The little schoolgirl in me wanted to giggle and bounce on my toes, but I didn’t.

“Yeah, okay,” I replied saucily and led him into the kitchen. He set his laptop on the counter and turned it on. While it was booting up, he surveyed the room.

“Where do you want to start?”