Tarin laughed. “It was obvious as we watched that you two had a bond from the very first moment. The look on his face when he stared down at you was like he was surprised to see it was you. Like he had expected someone else.”
“I felt the same way; I felt like I knew the man the moment we locked eyes.”
“Well, let’s hope that your next two dances are just as good, or not.” She laughed, and my eyes went huge. “Now, you need to clear your head, forget about that dance, and do it again.”
“I can’t believe I have to do that two more times.”
The director cut after that, and I was moved swiftly away from the area to change clothes and touch up my makeup. I was given a bottle of water and asked if I wanted a snack, but there was no way I could eat anything.
The entire time I got ready for the next dance, my mind was on the first one. When I had peeked around the corner and seen how tall he was, his dark hair, the way he was dressed, my heart sighed. Then I had taken his hand, and it was warm and slightly rough, and it thrilled me, but not as much as him twirling me into his arms and running his nose up the side of my head as his fingers ran down the side of my body—my god that was so damn sexy.
Then I was looking in his eyes, and I wanted to fall. I wanted just to jump in and get lost in his deep green gaze. As I started to turn away from him, I realized that I had seen him before. On the street corner during the downpour, almost exactly like this, and he had picked up my bags and handed them to me before he had rushed off. That night, he had looked stressed, worried, but not tonight. Tonight, he was confident, playful, and so damn sexy!
The dance had been so much fun, and even though I didn’t know the man, I couldn’t imagine doing this dance with anyone else. What was it going to be like to do it again with two more men? Holy crap, what if I had connections with all three men?
It was thirty minutes later, and I was retaking my place. This time I wasn’t as nervous, but my heart was still racing. When the music started, and I peered around the corner, the guy was taller, and his hair was a lighter shade of brown. When I came face-to-face with him, I smiled brightly. He was super cute, and he even had a dimple in his cheek.
The dance was fun, and I had a good time, but I didn’t feel the same connection with him that I had with the first man. When he lifted me into the air, I felt him shift slightly, and for a second, I thought he might drop me. The first man would never have dropped me. If I were going to fall, he probably would have thrown his body under mine to soften the blow—how I knew that I wasn’t sure—I just did.
As the dance ended, we shared another energetic smile, and I turned from his arms and strolled away at a fast pace. He had a sweet smile, kind eyes, and he seemed very fun, but nothing urged me to look back as I had the last time.
“That was so much fun!” I said as I reached the camera crew. I knew they wanted my first reaction, and that was the truth. It was fun.
Tarin stepped up and hugged me. “It looks like you two were having a blast.”
“We were! I really felt like we connected on a different level. I wanted to throw my head back and laugh; he had a playful vibe to him.”
“Did you feel a connection with him?”
“Yes, I did, very different than the first one.”
“It makes you think, doesn’t it?”
I nodded. “It does. I’m going to have to figure out if I want serious or playful because that’s kind of what I felt between the two of them. One was more intense, the other very playful.”
“Yes, I got that too, but before you decide, you have another dance to get ready for.”
“Oh, my gosh! One more time! This is going to make it so hard. If the third guy is half as good as these two were, I’m not sure what I will do.”
I played to the camera a little bit because I was pretty sure that if the decision was between the first or second, it would be the first guy. Not that I didn’t want someone playful. I did want to have fun, but where the second guy was sweet and cute, the first one was sexy and powerful. Right now, where I was in life, I think I was more interested in power and sex than someone who just wanted to have fun.
I got ready for the third dance, and this time, I asked for a little snack while I was getting touched up. They brought me some cut fruit, and it was enough to satisfy me for the moment.
Right before I went on for my third dance, Holly approached me. “How are you holding up? Are you having fun?”
I hugged her. “I’m having so much fun, and I’m tired, but the adrenaline is keeping me up and moving.”
“You are doing fantastic.” She glanced around and lowered her voice. “Between friends, which one did you like better, the first one or second one?”
I peered around quickly. “The first one.”
Holly’s grinned exploded over her face. “I knew it!”
“Wait? Is that the one you picked?”
“I can’t tell you that, and you still have one more to dance with.”
“Yes, I do. What did you think of the dances?”