“Let’s just say that you look like you are having so much fun, and so do they.”
“Do you know what they’ve said when they were done?”
“I can’t tell you that!” Holly said with a laugh. “But I will tell you that they both had a great time and were all smiles. Now, you go, do your last dance so we can talk.”
“Sounds good.”
A few minutes later, the music started, and we were off for the final time. He had large hands, and he was much taller than the last two men, with blond hair and bright-blue eyes.
The dance went smoothly, and every time we came eye to eye, my heart raced a little faster. If it kept up, my heart was going to wear itself out. He had no issues with lifting me over his head, and as I stared at him at the end, I found myself enjoying his smile and the way he was looking at me. We stayed together for an extra second or two, and then slowly split apart. I glanced back at him, but he was already turning the corner.
“Holy smokes!” I said as I reached the camera area. “That was—holy smokes!”
Tarin joined me. “That was a great dance! It looked like you two really connected out there.”
“I think we did. I was having so much fun just looking into his eyes, and he kind of made my heart beat a little faster.”
“Boy, do you have a tough decision to make.”
“You aren’t kidding!” I said. “I have no idea what I’m going to do.”
“Well, the good news is that you don’t have to decide tonight. You can think it over and make a decision tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? I’m not sure I’m going to have enough time to decide.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Tarin said, and the director yelled that’s a wrap for the day.
I glanced around as everyone started to move at once. For the last four hours, I’d been running at super speed; now it was done, and I wasn’t sure what to do with myself. The first thing was to find my cellphone and see if anything had been found out about the restaurant.
Holly grabbed my arm right before I went into the trailer I was using. “You did fantastic. You looked like you were really enjoying that last dance.”
“I was, he was great. I felt like I had a connection with him too.”
“So, are you going to pick one or three?”
“I’m not sure. I need to think about it for a while.” We stepped inside, and I went straight for my phone. After turning it back on, I shifted to face her. “I owe you an apology for the way I acted yesterday.”
“No, you don’t. I understand that you are dealing with a lot. You were right; this is a dance show, and it’s just a few dates, and the problem you are dealing with is making people sick, and all those employees. I get it. I was wrong to attack you like that yesterday.”
I hugged her. “Thank you for understanding, Holly, I appreciate it.”
“You got it, and to show you how much I understand it, how about we go grab some dinner?”
“Let me check my phone and see if anything has come up.” I checked messages, but there was nothing and no texts. “Looks like dinner would be perfect.”
“I have a few things that I need to do, but I’ll be ready in about twenty minutes.”
“I can wait for you.”
“Great, hey, do you mind if a friend of mine joins us?”
“No, not at all.”
“Fantastic. I’ll find her and let her know.”
Holly took off, and I changed into my own clothing, setting aside the three outfits that I’d worn today. All similar, but different, except the shoes. The shoes had been the same white sneakers in all three dances.
I was going to take the makeup off, but it still looked good, so I kept it on. I was wandering around, looking for Holly, when I saw two women talking to a man in the distance. From the back, it looked like the first man I had danced with, although he was wearing khaki pants and a black polo shirt. I slipped out of sight and watched them, trying to get more information on him.