Page 29 of Unexpected Storms

Holly joined them, and they were all laughing and smiling for a moment before he kissed two of them on the cheek and then hugged Holly tightly. He turned and glanced back, but I was completely hidden in the shadows. He looked relaxed and handsome, and I was tempted to make myself visible to see what he would do. However, we weren’t supposed to talk to one another—at all.

He walked away, and the three women started coming my way. I stepped out from behind a bush, not wanting them to know I saw them. “Hey, Holly, are you ready?”

The two women with her looked me up and down and then turned to Holly.

“Yep, I sure am. We were just coming to get you. Ali, this is Alice, and this is Maggie.”

I wanted to ask them how they knew the first dancer, but I kept my mouth shut and smiled as Maggie spoke up. “I did an article on Holly and the show when she first started this.”

“Wait! You’re Maggie Valor! I recognize you now. You write the romance column.”

“I did,” Maggie said quickly with a chuckle. “I recently left and got a new job.”

“I loved your column; your replacement is horrible.”

The four of us headed toward the parking lot while we discussed her column and replacement. All thoughts of dancer one, two, and three were put on the shelf so I could unwind for a few minutes and enjoy myself with Holly and her friends.

Chapter Eleven


Icouldn’t stop thinking about it—or more importantly—her. I couldn’t believe that we had literally run into each other on the street a week ago. I wasn’t going to mention that, and no one said anything to me, so I assumed she hadn’t spoken about it either—or perhaps she didn’t remember me.

I’m pretty sure she did. I saw a moment of recognition before we moved along. I tried to think back on that night, and what she could have thought of me. The words we spoke were few, and I tried to recall the sound of her voice, but I’d been so distracted that I hadn’t taken the time to pop it into my memory banks. I’d merely collected her bags and walked away.

I guess it didn’t matter if she remembered me or not, or what she had said that night. The more important question right now was, would she want a second dance?

I was pretty sure she had enjoyed herself while we were dancing. Otherwise, once we’d finished, she wouldn’t have hesitated for so long. As if she didn’t want to leave me. I’d felt it. I’d been tempted to wrap her in my arms, maybe press my lips to hers. The thought to pick her up and swing her around again had crossed my mind. What if I had run away with her? How far would we have gotten before we came to our senses?

I was dying to know how her other two dances went, but no one would tell me anything, including my sister, and it frustrated the hell out of me.

It was funny how patient I could be sitting behind a gun, but waiting to find out if the woman had been interested in me, well, that was going to drive me nuts.

I was pulling into my driveway when I got a call. I glanced at my phone and immediately picked it up. “Did you hear anything?”

There was a long pause. “Hear anything about what?” Greg asked.

Uh, why did I even think he would know? Maybe because I had expected Maggie to tell him about how it had gone and if I had made a fool out of myself. Had she said something to the effect, he would have started the conversation out that way. I shook my head. “Nothing, what’s up?”

“You busy tonight? Maggie went out to dinner with some friends. Thought maybe you might want to grab a bite.”

“That sounds like a great idea. I’m just getting home; let me shower and change. I need to make sure all the makeup is off.”

He chuckled. “That’s right. You had your dance date thingy today. How did that go?”

“I’ll tell you about it over a drink.”

“Sounds good. Meet me at the pub on Tenth.”

“You got it.”

It didn’t take me long to shower and get dressed, and I was at the pub forty-five minutes later. Greg was already at the bar, and I took the stool beside him as I slapped his back.

“How was work this week?”

“Damn, man, it’s good to be back. Don’t get me wrong, it was nice having Maggie all to myself for weeks on end, but I was starting to go nuts at the cabin.”

“Weren’t you working at all?”