“I was, I mean, I was doing some research and working on a few different ideas for some training, but I was ready to come home. That place was getting too small.”
I chuckled. “So are you back at your place now?” I asked after the bartender took my order.
Greg grinned at me. “No. I’m still at Maggie’s. It’s a bigger place; we aren’t on top of each other there.”
“How is it working together? That’s not too much time together, living and working together, is it?”
His brow lined for a second. “You know, I hadn’t even thought about that until you said something, but no. I don’t mind working with Maggie or living with her. Maggie does her own thing; she’s probably the most independent woman that I know—well, except Alice.” We both laughed. “In fact, I barely saw Mags all week at work. She spent more time with Mike and Jake than me.” He grinned at me before he took a sip of his beer.
“That’s good. Says a lot about her if she can put up with you being around all the time.”
He snickered. “Yeah, she is probably getting the raw end of the deal.”
“Oh, of that I have no doubt.”
“Where is she tonight?”
“She went out to dinner with a few friends.” He smirked as he picked up his phone, pushed a few things on the screen, then spun through some images. He handed me the phone, and my jaw dropped.
In the picture were Alice, Holly, and my dance partner. “She’s out with my sister.”
“Yep, and your date. She’s pretty hot, by the way. How did it go? Mags said you did a surprisingly good job. She hadn’t pictured you to be able to dance.”
“What else did she say?” I stared at the picture, but I was zeroed in on the woman. “What is her name?”
“I have no idea, and she didn’t say anything else. She specifically told me she wasn’t saying anything so that I couldn’t tell you when you asked.”
I checked the post, and it only said,Girls night with friends.“Seriously? She didn’t say anything else?”
“She said the chemistry between the two of you was snapping off the monitor, whatever the hell that means.”
I grinned. “That means that we were good together.”
He laughed. “You enjoyed yourself, didn’t you?”
“I did. I never expected to, but I did enjoy doing it.”
He asked me how I had gotten involved in it in the first place, and I told him the story. When I finished, he asked, “When do you see her again?”
I shrugged. “I have no clue if I will.”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“It’s up to her if she wants a second date. If she does, then I find out tomorrow, and I learn another dance, and we do it again. Then she decides if she wants to meet me and speak to me face-to-face.”
He barked out a laugh. “You haven’t even spoken to this woman?”
“Nope.” I took a long draw off my beer. “When the music started, I put my hand out, she took it, we danced for about four minutes, then we turned and walked away from each other.”
“That’s nuts, man.”
“When you think about it, it is, but it’s kinda cool, too. I mean, I never would have signed up to do something like this on my own. If it hadn’t been for Holly needing someone to fill in, I wouldn’t be doing it this time.”
“Do you think she will pick you?”
“Maybe, although I don’t know how her other two dances went. Maybe she connected with one of them more than me.”
He smirked at me. “You want to get picked, don’t you?”