Page 83 of Unexpected Trouble

I stared at him, wondering if he was saying that because we’d had sex or because he really thought that.

“Yeah, well, your body is pretty fine too for a man who is almost forty.”

He laughed and lay back down. “You know that when I came in here last night, this was not what I intended to happen.”

“I know,” I replied softly.

“You aren’t upset?”

“No, why would I be? Not sure if you noticed it or not, but I happen to enjoy sex.”

“I just didn’t want you to think I was using you.”

I shifted to look at him. “Are you?”


“Using me?”

His brows lowered, and his forehead lined. “No, Maggie. I care about you.”

I nodded and then sat up and threw my legs over the side of the bed as I found my t-shirt and pulled it over my head. I needed to put space between us before he started to apologize and say it should never have happened.

“Maggie, I have a question I need to ask you. I probably should have asked you earlier. No, I definitely should have asked you earlier.”

“What?” I threw him a look over my shoulder.

“Are you on birth control? We’ve had sex twice, and both times have kind of been spur of the moment.”

I started to laugh as I collected my underwear off the floor. “Don’t worry, Greg. I’m not going to rope you in with an unwanted pregnancy.”

“So, you’re on birth control?”

I retrieved my jeans and stuffed my foot into one leg, wondering what he was going to say when I finally answered him. Maybe he wouldn’t see me as such a perfect person now. “No.”

“You’re not? Maggie, shit, you should have said something.” He sat up in bed, pulling the sheet over his waist.

“Oh, relax, Greg. I won’t get pregnant. It’s not possible.”

“What do you mean, it’s not possible?”

I turned to stare at him. “To be honest, that’s none of your business. All you need to know is that it’s not possible.”


I put my hand up to stop him. “Greg, stop. You’ve already told me that you aren’t interested in a relationship with me, so you don’t have the right to ask me personal questions. We had sex twice. It was awesome, both times, but you’re right. That’s all it is, just sex.”

I turned for the door as my knees began to buckle. I barely made it out the door before I leaned back against it and put my hand over my face.

I don’t think I had ever lied so much in my life. It was so much more than sex. It was like his body, his mind, knew exactly what to do to mine to please it. Like it was built for mine, and mine alone.

Suddenly, a sound caught my attention, and I lifted my head. The front door was open. I glanced around quickly and found the coffeemaker was not only on, but almost full. I moved toward the front door and heard a squeak. I peered out, seeing my mother sitting on the far end of the porch, rocking on an old porch swing, a blanket over her shoulders and a coffee mug in her hands.

I went to pour myself a cup and then joined her outside. “Good morning. How are you today?”

She grinned at me from behind her mug. That alone was odd because she had stopped drinking coffee a few years ago. Every once in awhile, she’d pour herself a cup, but not often. “I’m probably not as good as you are.”

I felt my cheeks begin to warm. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”