Page 82 of Unexpected Trouble

I tried not to think about how good she felt in my arms and tried to focus on the fact that she had almost been killed tonight instead. I wanted to be angry—on edge, alert. But having her head on my chest, her breath brushing over my skin, calmed me in a way I hadn’t been since I’d joined the Marines. Not long after she fell asleep, I drifted off myself.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


The entire way to the cabin, I’d replayed the night—over and over again. I’d come down to get a drink of water and had the sudden need to check the windows again myself. Plus, my firearm was in my purse, and my purse was on the kitchen table.

The noise outside scared me but not as much as Greg slapping his hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming. I was just getting over that scare when suddenly another arm banded around my chest, and a shiny blade reflected off the ambient light in the room.

For a moment, I wanted to panic, to meltdown, scream, maybe bawl like a baby, but the recent training exercises that I’d gone through began to flash through my mind. What did you do in this scenario? Ah, yes, get the eye of your help. Let them know you were ready. Don’t panic, and then move!

I had felt the blade slice under my chin as he began to fall backward. I didn’t think about my injury again until I was on the phone to 9-1-1. When something hit my arm, I looked down and found blood dripping off my chin. I’d turned and called Greg’s name.

“It’s not as bad as it looks, Maggie. You’re going to be alright.” He had held me close, kissing my head, and then my mother was in the room, and the cops were there, and we were all separated. The paramedic tended to my wound, and I was questioned. Det. Highmore arrived and asked more questions, and then they were moving the body. I couldn’t believe it was the same guy who had brought the dead rat to me. The cops found that he had gained entry through the window in the laundry room.

When Greg finally came to me and told me to go pack, I didn’t question it. My mother was already gathering her things, and I was thankful that she was in rare form tonight and lucid.

With everything together, we’d left the house, gone back to Greg’s, and watched as Mike went around the truck with a device in his hand. He put some things into the back of the truck, and then asked for my phone right before Greg joined us.

When we had gotten to the cabin, I’d been too tired to think, much less give a crap about where we were.

Now the sun was up, and I was still lying over Greg’s chest. His arms wrapped around me tightly, his hand on my hip. Every once in a while, his fingers would twitch. I didn’t want him to wake up and move away. I wanted him to keep sleeping for a while so I could enjoy this. Memorize this moment before he disappeared from my life again.

I realized that as much as I might care about Greg, and want to force the issue, he needed to come to me. When he was ready, he would, but I had to stop pushing it and wait. I didn’t want him to be with me just because I was forcing him.

“Big sigh,” his husky sleep voice said, and I lifted my head.

“Did I sigh? I didn’t even realize it.”

He chuckled, and his hand rubbed up and down my hip for a moment. I rested my head back down, and his hand continued to move. His hands were rough, and the stark difference between his fingers and the soft skin on my hip was stimulating.

I let my fingers trace slowly over his chest; his hand shifted lower, and he brushed his fingers down over the curve of my buttock, coming sensually close to a spot that was suddenly screaming for his attention. I ran one finger around his nipple and watched it peak. Oh, how I wanted to flick my tongue over it, tease it a bit.

I shifted my knee further over his thigh, boldly moving it higher toward his groin, and he made a croaking noise in his throat. His left hand cupped the underside of my thigh and shifted my leg so that it covered his erection. He moved his hips against my leg, his hard erection making my breath come faster. The hand that had curled around my hip slipped lower, dipping under the edge of my panties, and delicately touching my most sensitive flesh.

I gasped, suddenly needing him to touch more. He brushed his finger along my center, then paused to press his thumb to the little nub as my body quivered. I pressed into his hand, and he rubbed more as he slipped a finger into me and groaned as he realized just how wet I was for him.

He rolled me to my back in a sudden move and kissed me once before he gently kissed my chin and the covering over my injury. He slipped a hand down my rib cage to under my shirt and lifted it to expose my breast. He stared at it for a long moment, and I wondered if he was disappointed they weren’t bigger.

A moment later, he murmured, “Fucking perfect,” as he took one into his mouth. I arched my back, holding his head to my chest as he suckled my breast and then moved to the other. He pulled at my panties, and I was right there with him, removing mine, and then tugging on his boxers. I yanked my shirt over my head, and Greg reared back and let his gaze drift down my body. One hand slowly followed his perusal, and then he kissed me intensely before his mouth followed the path of his hand.

Greg moved down my stomach, nipping at my hip bones, running his tongue around my belly button, and then licking right up my center as he spread my legs wide, pushing my knees out, and lifting my ass off the bed so he could cover my sex with his mouth. A finger slipped in and stroked me as he took me higher. A second finger joined the first, and as I was beginning to thrash on the bed as the intensity began to grow, he added a third finger, picking up speed, and I threw my head back as I tried to hold in the scream of ecstasy.

He licked at me, entered me over and over again, and didn’t stop until I started to whimper and push his head away. He chuckled as he removed his mouth and fingers, and then before I knew what he was doing, he flipped me to my stomach.

I was a rag doll as he rubbed himself again me, and then he lifted me to my knees, and without hesitation, he plunged forward. I pushed back against him, meeting him in the middle each time as our bodies slammed into one another. He kissed my spine and reached around to touch my bundle of nerves again. I shoved his hand away and replaced it with mine.

He growled behind me, “Yeah, touch yourself, Maggie. Come with me, baby. Come with me.”

His command made my touch electric, and it didn’t take long for me to stop holding back. In a small part of my brain, I was aware that my mother was under the roof with us, and that if she were awake, she would probably be pretty confused. I didn’t need to add scared by the animalistic sounds after last night.

I buried my face into the mattress to muffle the noises, and right after I came, Greg did too. His fingers gripped my hips so hard I wondered if I would have bruises, but I didn’t care. I would welcome any mark this man left on me, including the injuries I would have on my heart after he left me again. It was worth it.

Greg stopped moving and curled around my body, pulling me with him as he went to his side on the mattress and kissed the back of my neck. “Jesus, woman.”

I laughed. “Is that a good Jesus, or bad?”

He went up on an elbow and leaned over me, pulling my face toward his. “That was an amazing Jesus. You are so gorgeous, Maggie, and your body, damn, I’m barely done, and I’m almost ready to go again.”